November 16, 2012 
Hello ZimmComm Fans:

It has been a busy week for the ZimmComm Team.  Cindy attended the GROWMARK media tour with stops throughout Iowa.  At the same time Chuck attended the USFRA Annual Mtg. and the New York Food Dialogues, hosted by CNN chief business editor, Ali Velshi.  In case you missed the event you can still see it via the Food Dialogues website.

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, "How do the election results make you feel?"

Our poll results: Thirty-two percent said disgusted; twenty-six percent said happy; fifteen percent said afraid; nine percent said sad; seven percent said mad; five percent said depressed/suicidal and four percent said apathetic. So, it looks like there were a wide range of emotions as the votes were being tallied but an almost 50/50 were disgusted while the others were happy. Pretty even with how the election turned out!

Our new ZimmPoll is now live and asks the question, " What's your favorite Thanksgiving food?" Turkey will most likely bless the tables of many, but does your family have a special Thanksgiving food that just makes your taste buds dance? Let us know!

Here are some interviews from this week you might have missed:

There are many more interviews on this week so please check it out.  Ag media are reminded that they are free to use any audio we publish as well as our photos.

Now for some news from the ZimmComm News Network:
 AgWired  AgWired     

Ag Group Leaders Trade Talk on Policy

Having the National Association of Farm Broadcasting annual meeting start the day after a presidential election gives leaders of agricultural organizations plenty to talk about at Trade Talk..  MORE 

Farm Bill's Effect On US Grains

You may believe the farm bill doesn't effect you, but you might be surprised to find out that it covers more than you think. It was a hot topic during National Association of Farm Broadcasting's Trade Talk. While sitting down with U.S. Grains Council's President and CEO, Tom Sleight, I was reminded how intricate this farm bill is. MORE


Final Panel Thoughts from USFRA Food Dialogues

Here are the panelists from the last session of today's New York Food Dialogues. Wow. It was a long day of very interesting discussion. This panel's topic was Biotechnology (GMO's) and Your Food. There were some very real contrasts in what some of the panelists as well as the audience thought of various specifics. In my opinion we got a lot of very good information presented. In fact, as good a presentation about the truth about GMO's as I've heard.  MORE


Podcast 2
DomesticFuel  Domestic Fuel  

Iowans Drive on E15

Since E15, a fuel blend of 15 percent ethanol and 85 percent gasoline, has been sold in Iowa, drivers have already successfully driven more than 125,000 thousand miles, or the equivalent of driving around the world five times. The first E15 station opened in Iowa about two months ago and E15 can be used in all vehicles 2001 or newer. This data tracks consumers using E15 in approved vehicles that are not flex-fuel vehicles (FFVs).  MORE   
The ethanol industry is anxiously awaiting the pending decision by the Environmental Protection Agency on a requested waiver of the Renewable Fuel Standard.  MORE


Farm Foundation Blog: Food & Fuel for 9 Billion in 2050 

How do you keep an expected world population of 9 billion people by the year 2050 fed AND meet the world's energy needs? Our friends at Farm Foundation are taking on those challenging questions, hopefully with some good answers through their new blog, MORE

PPMark  Precision Pays
Trimble introduced several new features to further enhance its Connected Farm™ solution. Connected Farm is an integrated operations management solution that provides information exchange across the entire farm. New features include additional viewing capabilities between vehicles operating in the same field, and reports on the productivity and delay of field equipment.. 

AG CONNECT for Masters & Mavericks

 When it comes to your business, are you a Master or a Maverick - or maybe a little of both, like Kip Tom of Indiana who is one of the AG CONNECT Masters & Mavericks. MORE


Creating A Voice For Custom Harvesters 

U.S. Custom Harvesters, like many other agricultural organizations, represented themselves well at the recent National Association of Farm Broadcasting's Trade Talk. Tracy Zeorian, President, and Kent Braathen, Vice President of U.S. Custom Harvesters, shared the history of the organization and how they are providing a voice for custom harvesters across the country. MORE 




World Dairy Diary    

It's Your Co-Opportunity 

The proposed FarmFirst Dairy Cooperative has a new Facebook page, "Your Co-Opportunity," an online space dedicated to answering questions about the proposed merger.  MORE  

Osborne Named to All-American Foundation 

Congratulations to Irene Osborne of Millerstown, Pa., for being named to the All-American Dairy Foundation Board of Trustees.  MORE 

Dairy & Beef Issues Addressed At Upcoming Global 500

In just two and a half weeks Lexington, Kentucky will once again open it's doors to dairy farmers and beef producers from across the world. These agriculturalists are coming together for Alltech's Global 500. The Alltech community offers an opportunity to find answers to your questions.  MORE



Contact Information
ZimmComm New Media

1507 Templemore Dr.
Cantonment, FL 32533
850-780-6617 office
850-308-1221 fax
email: (inquiries/news releases/announcements)
Chuck on Twitter
Cindy on Twitter

Advertising: Dave Larson, Larson Enterprises  

   Roundup Ready Plus
