Hello ZimmComm Fans:
It is NAFB convention week in Kansas City, MO. The ZimmComm team has been taking photos and doing interviews, lots of interviews. Chuck, Cindy and Jamie did 63 Trade Talk interviews! It has been great as always to spend some quality time with our industry friends.
The AgWired App has been updated for the new iOS 6 and iPhone 5. The Android version is in the middle of being updated too. Got it on your smart phone? No? Then get it.
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, "Should foods containing GMO crops be labeled?" The Prop 37 ballot initiative in California prompted us to ask the question. Well, the initiative failed while our poll showed that most answered yes to our question by a very narrow margin. Interesting. Your thoughts? Feel free to chime in with a comment. Our poll results: Just over fifty percent said Yes and just over forty nine percent said No.
Our new ZimmPoll is now live and asks the question, "How do the election results make you feel?" Of course there are still votes being counted (what's with Florida?) but we know the outcome and especially the big one for President. I will say I am not happy about that result. Take our poll and let us know how you feel.
Here are some interviews you might have missed this week: Now for some news from the ZimmComm News Network:
AgWired This year the theme of the National Association of Farm Broadcasting convention is "Our Rich Heritage, A Bridge to the Future." Cindy, Jamie and I will be there and you can bet you'll find photos and interviews right here. MORE
Each year, the NAFB Foundation provides financial support and educational opportunities in the form of college scholarships to assist students in pursuit of careers in agricultural communications and once again this year three scholarships were presented to promising young people. MORE Podcast Podcast 2Podcast 3
The recent 83rd Annual Meeting and Trade Show of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers and AgroNomics Conference & Trade Show held in Indianapolis, Ind. saw the election of the group's new president. Paul Joerger, AFM, grew up on a dairy farm in Minnesota and now is the Director of Asset Management and a vice president with John Hancock in Boston. He said he is honored and looking forward to serving the members of ASFMRA. MOREPodcast
Domestic Fuel
The third annual "Fuel the Future" video contest, sponsored by Faegre Baker Daniels, for Iowa high school students has begun. This year, the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association (IRFA) is searching for the best student-produced "campaign-ad" video that educates Iowans on why they should choose E15 and or biodiesel at the pump. The top three video entries will win prices in the amount of $1,000, $600 and $400 and winning videos will be debuted during the 2013 Iowa Renewable Fuel Summit on January 30, 2013. MORE
 | I Got You Ethanol: 1st Place |
An " Election Insight 2012" report was issued shortly following the elections on November 7, 2012 by SNR Denton, and provides interesting insights into what political issues will take the forefront in the next four years. The report highlights winners and losers both at the federal and local levels as well as provides a short list of who could take over several key appointed positions. It also gives a top level discussion of what key issues will be addressed during the upcoming lame duck session, as well as over the next four years. MORE
Fuels America is calling on renewable fuels supporters to tweet the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency to show support for the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). MORE
Precision Pays
DuPont and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) announced the renewal for another five years of a research collaboration that began in 2007. This multi-million dollar collaboration supports cutting-edge plant biology research focused on meeting growing food demands worldwide. MORE
It was a record-breaking month for the men and women working the assembly line at Equipment Technologies this past October. The team built its 70th Apache sprayer in one month, surpassing the previous record of 69 sprayers. MORE |
World Dairy Diary
Congratulations to Dairy Farmers of America's (DFA) for having six of its cheese products earned recognition at the 2012 National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) Championship Cheese Contest in Orlando, Fla. MORE
Congratulations to Gene Iaager, Pleasant Plain, Ohio for having his Jersey cow, Cascadia Iatola Puzzle named the Supreme Champion of the 2012 North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE) dairy shows on November 6. MORE
Congratulations to G. Joe Lyon of Toledo, Iowa, for being named the 2012 recipient of the Richard E. Lyng Award. MORE
Contact Information ZimmComm New Media 1507 Templemore Dr. Cantonment, FL 32533 850-780-6617 office 850-308-1221 fax email: news@agwired.com (inquiries/news releases/announcements) Chuck on Twitter Cindy on Twitter
Advertising: Dave Larson, Larson Enterprises |