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The Complete Guide to Line Spacing

The Complete Guide to Word Spacing

Introducing Gill Sans Nova

Thinking With Type: Grids

Pentagram Partner Michael Bierut on Logo Design

Bring Gourmet Typography to your company, school or org

The Complete Guide to Line Spacing

Line spacing, or leading (as much of today's design software calls it), is a typographic term referring to the vertical space between lines of type. It is measured from baseline to baseline. The term leading comes from the days when type was set in metal and slugs of lead (thus the term leading) of varying thicknesses were inserted between the lines of type to add extra space. Check it out...
The Complete Guide to Word Spacing

Word spacing is one of those typographic details that is taken for granted. That is, most people think that the default word spacing of any given font is fine due to the fact that it was determined by the type designer. But this is not always the case. Whether for text or display settings, there are some instances where the word spacing could be improved with some manual interventionRead on...
Introducing Gill Sans Nova

Gill Sans is distinctive, historic sans serif typeface designed in 1926 by the influential British sculptor, letter-cutter and type designer Eric Gill (1882-1940). It was first san serif of its kind to be broadly distributed, and went on to become one of the most popular typeface of all times. Monotype has recently reworked and expanded this type family into the Gill Sans Nova superfamily, making it even more useful and relevant for today's users and a broad range of devices. Read on...
Thinking With Type: Grids

If you are interested in knowing more about designing with grids, this excerpt from Ellen Lupton's Thinking With Type is a great place to begin. She covers the golden section, single-column, multicolumn, and modular grids. Also included is a project to help polish your skills and inspire creativity. View here... 
Pentagram Partner Michael Bierut on Logo Design

If there's anyone who knows about designing logos - and indeed, why designing a logo is not designing an identity - it's Pentagram partner Michael Bierut. His new book imparts wisdom on this topic and a whole heap of others, and below we reprint an extract in which he talks about what makes a great logo design, and how a true brand identity is "a world of associations that have accrued over time." Read on...

More on Michael Bierut here.
Bring Gourmet Typography to your company, school or organization! 

The Type Studio offers Gourmet Typography Training, a customized series of workshops and seminars on all aspects of typography for graphic designers, type designers and visual communicators of all levels.
Gourmet Typography Training teaches and demonstrates the expert-level typographic skills and aesthetics that are rarely taught in schools or fully understood by professionals. Fill in the gaps in your typographic know-how and learn how to "see" type like you've never seen it before.
Training workshops are customized for groups of any size and designed to fit your specific needs. Sessions are scheduled for your convenience - daytime, evenings or weekends. We will design a program customized for your particular requirements.
These are some of the companies and groups that The Type Studio has worked with:
Time Inc. | Essence Magazine
Hachette | Grand Central Publishing
Fisher-PriceToll Brothers
Hagerty Insurance
SAS Analytics
Whole Foods
Harlequin Books
Integrated Marketing
Yankee Candle
GO Transit | Toronto
Nationwide Insurance
London Life
Alliance Atlantis
AIGA Boston
AIGA Philadelphia
AIGA Atlanta
AIGA Orlando
TDC (Type Directors Club)
RGD Ontario
HOW Design Conference
UCDA Conference

Read more about onsite training here: 
For more info, email or call 203.227.5929. 

"If there is one word to describe your workshop, that word is awesome! Thanks for remind me that typography is not just interesting but fun. I really admire your passion for your's contagious!"
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NOTE: In opposition to my constant typographic badgering, you might notice the lack of
smart typographic conventions in this emailing, including smart quotes, en and em dashes. This is due to the limitations of the email marketing service currently being used.