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The Typography & Design of Alexander Isley
Hyphenation Dos & Don'ts
The Ins & Outs of Bullets

The First Female Typographer

The Healthiest Typeface

Gourmet Typography Returns to SVA

The Typography & Design of Alexander Isley

I've been a huge fan of designer Alexander Isley ever since I saw his presentation at a Type Directors Club luncheon many moons ago. Not only was his work thoughtful, clever, innovative, and oftentimes humorous, but he came off as one of the nicest guys in the business - a rare thing in a world peppered with big egos, attitude, and unapproachability. But what struck me the most was how his skillful, creative use of typography permeated everything he does. Check it out... 
Hyphenation Dos & Don'ts

Hyphenation is a common occurrence in typography, especially in narrow columns of type. This "necessary evil" is used to create better looking, tighter rags in non-aligned margins, as well as to help achieve more even spacing in justified text. Today's design software has the ability to control hyphenation in great detail. Although this feature is turned on by default, the settings can be altered, or turned off entirely. Read on...
The Ins & Outs of Bullets
A bullet is a large dot or other symbol that is used to draw attention to a list of items. These items may have been extracted from the text, or they may be a separate list that is independent of the text. While many designers are content to use the default bullet style, size, and position that comes with a font, there are many other options that can help highlight information in a more stylish, distinctive and impactful way. Read on...
The First Female Typographer

The very first woman to ever add her name to the colophon of a printed book as its printer is Anna R�gerin, who published two folio editions in the summer of 1484 in the imperial city of Augsburg in southern Germany. Upon the death of her husband, Thomas, it appears that Anna took full control of the print shop. Read on...
The Healthiest Typeface

Can the right font help sway health behavior? Maybe so! In a small study, researchers in the U.K. gave a group of 71 volunteers a sheet of information relevant to them. Participants were given the information in one of four formats: a simple heading and easy-to-read font, a complex heading and difficult-to-read font, simple title and difficult font, and complex title and easy font. Read on... 
Gourmet Typography Returns to SVA
  SVA is
Join Ilene as she teaches her ever-popular Gourmet Typography class at School of Visual Arts in NYC. Learn the typographic skills and secrets of experts, including what makes a good typeface, selecting the right type for your job, combining type, techniques for emphasis, fine-tuning, kerning and spacing your type, and a lot more. This course will instill an excitement and passion for typography. Check it out...
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NOTE: In opposition to my constant typographic badgering, you might notice the lack of
smart typographic conventions in this emailing, including smart quotes, en and em dashes. This is due to the limitations of the email marketing service currently being used.