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TDC Typeface Design Winners 2015


The Ins and Outs of F-ligatures

>> Type Classifications


Stay Current on What's New on the Font Scene

>> How Typefaces Shape Our Perception of Truth

>> CreativeLive Typography OnDemand Sessions I and II

TDC Typeface Design Winners 2015

The annual Type Directors Club (TDC) Competition is one of the most prestigious, highly regarded events of its kind in the type and design world. Every year, judges from around the world gather to select the best of the previous year. The goal of this annual competition is to highlight the best typographic work from studios, companies, and individuals. Check it out... 

The Ins and Outs of F-ligatures

F-ligatures are special characters found in just about every professional font. A ligature is two or more characters that are combined to form a single glyph. F-ligatures are standard ligatures that are considered to be desirable in most typesetting usages, and are therefore "turned on" by default in nearly all design software. Read on...

Type Classifications

Type classification is a system used to divide typefaces into categories. This is useful to help identify them historically, to distinguish them visually, and to assist in combining them. This classifications system gives you a basic understanding of where the many thousands of typefaces come from, and how they differ. Read on...

Stay Current on What's New on the Font Scene

It's important for every designer to stay abreast of new typeface designs, new features, as well as what's trending. Yet staying current can seem like a daunting, almost impossible task. So how can this best be accomplished without taking hours of research on a regular basis? Read on...

How Typography Shapes Our Perception of Truth

Errol Morris, the acclaimed filmmaker of The Thin Blue Line and The Fog of War on why he now types all his manuscripts in Baskerville. With the collusion of the New York Times, he asked 45,000 readers to take an online test, allegedly to measure whether or not readers were optimists or pessimists. But in reality, Morris was trying to find out if the typeface a statement was set in had any impact on a reader's willingness to agree with that statement. Simply put, are some typefaces more believable than others? Read on...

CreativeLive Typography OnDemand Sessions I & II

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Typography is an essential element of design. It should communicate your message effectively, and with purpose. Learn to how you can take full advantage of the power of type from author, educator, and expert, Ilene Strizver, with the CreativeLive Typography sessions.

In these two OnDemand classes, you'll learn the fundamentals of good typography, as well as advanced techniques to raise the level of your work to new heights. Ilene will help you sharpen your eye, and teach you skills that will dramatically improve your typographic sensibility. 

These sessions are rich in content, much of which is rarely covered, and include:

Typography: The Fundamentals

>  Selecting the right typeface

>  Combining fonts

>  The most common type crimes

>  Getting the most out of your software

Typography: Fine Tuning & Finessing your Type 

>  What makes a good typeface

>  How to fine-tune your type

>  Tracking and word spacing tips and tricks

>  Custom kerning

FREE PREVIEWS available for both sessions:

Typography: The Fundamentals

Typography: Fine Tuning and Finessing


Whether you are an educator, student, neophyte, or seasoned pro, you will come away with new knowledge, as well as a renewed passion for typography!

"Thanks to Ilene & CreativeLive, I now have a comprehensive understanding of typography and a critical eye for all things typographic which I will apply to all of the design elements of my business. I'll also never look at a menu or book cover the same way!


Ilene was fantastic! She was very thorough and detailed in her lessons, while bringing her personality and humor to the subject of typography - which might be a dull topic if taught by someone else."


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NOTE: In opposition to my constant typographic badgering, you might notice the lack of
smart typographic conventions in this emailing, including smart quotes, en and em dashes. This is due to the limitations of the email marketing service currently being used.