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Herman Zapf, ITC & Apple


The 10 Commandments of Email Etiquette

>> The Hand Lettering, Calligraphy, & Design of Gail Brill

>> Sizing Up Readability & Legibility on Digital Devices

>> TypeDrummer

>> CreativeLive Typography OnDemand Sessions I and II


Herman Zapf, ITC & Apple

On June 4th we lost one of the great ones. I'm speaking of Hermann Zapf, the highly regarded type designer, calligrapher, educator and lecturer responsible for some of the 20th century's most important typefaces. There have been many tributes to Mr. Zapf, so rather than repeat what has been said, I will tell you about two of his creations that I had the privilege of witnessing become part of  history in my days working at ITC: ITC Zapf Chancery and ITC Zapf Dingbats. Read on...

The 10 Commandments of Email Etiquette


Gone are the days when we relied upon the telephone and the mail service for most communications. Today's digital world relies heavily on email to make things happen in the world of business and commerce. There are many unspoken guidelines for email communications that are not only smart practices, but good manners as well. Check it out...

The Hand Lettering, Calligraphy, and Design of Gail Brill

Gail Brill is a gifted artist whose talents embrace an impressive blend of hand lettering, calligraphy, illustration, and graphic design. Not only is she proficient in numerous styles of calligraphy and lettering, but her watercolor illustrations are absolutely charming. Then there is her graphic design background, which affords her the ability to pull all elements together in one cohesive composition. She's quite the powerhouse! Read on...

Sizing Up Readability & Legibility on Digital Devices

Print designers who were accustomed to setting type at small sizes, or who still set type at small sizes, should know that when it comes to type on digital displays, bigger is better. Although "big type" on the web has become its own style and even a trend, finding the right type size boils down to readability, legibility and, as always, a good user experience. But how big is too big, how small is too small? And which fonts work better than others? Read on...


TypeDrummer is a totally entertaining app created by designer and developer Kyle Stetz. Will it teach you about typography or design? Not really, but it is a fun and strangely addictive app that uses letters of the alphabet to signify drum sounds, so when they are typed in, you are creating a drum beat. Type in your name, city, or any random combination. Have fun here...

CreativeLive Typography OnDemand Sessions I & II

Click to access video preview.

Typography is an essential element of design. It should communicate your message effectively, and with purpose. Learn to how you can take full advantage of the power of type from author, educator, and expert, Ilene Strizver, with the CreativeLive Typography sessions.

In these two OnDemand classes, you'll learn the fundamentals of good typography, as well as advanced techniques to raise the level of your work to new heights. Ilene will help you sharpen your eye, and teach you skills that will dramatically improve your typographic sensibility. 

These sessions are rich in content, much of which is rarely covered, and include:

Typography: The Fundamentals

>  Selecting the right typeface

>  Combining fonts

>  The most common type crimes

>  Getting the most out of your software

Typography: Fine Tuning & Finessing your Type 

>  What makes a good typeface

>  How to fine-tune your type

>  Tracking and word spacing tips and tricks

>  Custom kerning

FREE PREVIEWS available for both sessions:

Typography: The Fundamentals

Typography: Fine Tuning and Finessing


Whether you are an educator, student, neophyte, or seasoned pro, you will come away with new knowledge, as well as a renewed passion for typography!

"Thanks to Ilene & CreativeLive, I now have a comprehensive understanding of typography and a critical eye for all things typographic which I will apply to all of the design elements of my business. I'll also never look at a menu or book cover the same way!


Ilene was fantastic! She was very thorough and detailed in her lessons, while bringing her personality and humor to the subject of typography - which might be a dull topic if taught by someone else."


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NOTE: In opposition to my constant typographic badgering, you might notice the lack of
smart typographic conventions in this emailing, including smart quotes, en and em dashes. This is due to the limitations of the email marketing service currently being used.