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Single or Double Spaces Between Sentences? 


How To Build A Type Library

>> Sutro Deluxe, A Multi-layered Font by Jim Parkinson


Women in Type Design

>> Finding A Font With the Glyph You Need

>> Gourmet Typography @ SVA in NY This Summer


Single or Double Spaces Between Sentences?

This question continues to be hotly debated between people in personal, professional, and educational settings, as well as in blogs, newspapers, online news resources, and even dinner parties! Here's the complete story, from metal type to typewriters to the digital age and current professional typesetting standards. Read on...

How To Build A Type Library


Aspiring designers and students alike frequently ask me how build a type library. With the ever-growing number of font resources, the task can be overwhelming! This article breaks things down into manageable bits of information, approaches, and suggestions. Check it out...

Sutro Deluxe, A Multi-layered Font by Jim Parkinson

The multi-layered font is a relatively new breed of font family that gives the designer many options for customizing type in ways that are creative, professionally-conceived, and lots of fun to use! Sutro Deluxe, designed by the legendary typographic designer Jim Parkinson, is one such type family. Read on...

Women in Type Design

Even in the 21st century, women are still underrepresented in the field of typeface design and development, and despite their rising numbers they are also less visible. Yves Peters discusses the gender gap in type design with four diverse women who speak from their own personal experience. Read on...

How to Find the Font That Has the Glyph You Need

The fonts we use today contain a huge array of characters. So how do we find the fonts that contain the particular character we want? Sadly, we cannot use InDesign's Glyphs panel. This panel has many great features, but it contains no search capability. There is a great utility for Mac users which meets this need. Read on...

SVA is

Gourmet Typography @ SVA this summer

Learn the typographic skills and secrets of experts, including what makes a good typeface, selecting the right type for your job, combining type, techniques for emphasis, typographic hierarchy, fine-tuning, kerning and spacing your type, typographic dos and don'ts, as well as mastering OpenType, type on the web, and web fonts. Make a valuable investment in your professional future! Check it out...

Bring Gourmet Typography to your company, school or organization! 

The Type Studio offers Gourmet Typography Training, a customized series of workshops and seminars on all aspects of typography for graphic designers, type designers and visual communicators of all levels.


Gourmet Typography Training teaches and demonstrates the expert-level typographic skills and aesthetics that are rarely taught in schools or fully understood by professionals. Fill in the gaps in your typographic know-how and learn how to "see" type like you've never seen it before. Workshops are customized for groups of any size and designed to fit your specific needs.


Read more about onsite training hereFor more info, email or call me at 203.227.5929. Ilene


"If there is one word to describe your workshop, that word is awesome! Thanks for remind me that typography is not just interesting but fun. I really admire your passion for your's contagious!" 

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NOTE: In opposition to my constant typographic badgering, you might notice the lack of
smart typographic conventions in this emailing, including smart quotes, en and em dashes. This is due to the limitations of the email marketing service currently being used.