TTS logo v.1
>> Standard vs. Discretionary Ligatures 



Proportional vs. Tabular Figures


>> Word Crimes: a video

>> Helvetica Alternatives

>> Gourmet Typography returns to SVA

>> Bring Gourmet Typography to your company, org or school 


Standard vs. Discretionary Ligatures

In typography, a ligature refers to a specially designed character created by connecting or combining two or more characters into one. This is done for one of two reasons: to improve the look of characters that crash, collide or combine in an unattractive way (referred to as standard ligatures), or to offer a more decorative option to the standard characters (referred to as discretionary ligatures, as they are used at your discretion). Read on...    


Proportional vs. Tabular Figures

Figures, be they lining or oldstyle, can have two different spacing formats: proportional and tabular. Generally speaking, proportional figures are appropriate when numerals are going to be read in text, and tabular figures are preferable when numerals will be read in columns. Read on... 


Word Crimes, a viral video by whom?


Who would have thought that Weird Al Yankovic would be interested in grammar? Well he is, and has created a very clever, well-done YouTube parady of Robin Thicke's Blurred Lines hit that has gone viral. Whether it is 100% accurate or not (particularly the bit about never writing numbers as symbols) is not the point - the message is! Check it out... 


How Weird Al's 'Word Crimes' Is Saving Grammar for the Future 

Check out Time magazine's take on it here

Helvetica Alternatives

There are many reasons why Helvetica is so widespread. It is arguably the most respectable of the "default" fonts. But it's also used because it's a safe, neutral choice. Even its ubiquity contributes to its neutrality - letters so common they become invisible. But invisibility isn't always appropriate, particularly where individuality is key. In our forst foray into Pinterest, check out FontShop's suggested alternatives. View here...  


SVA is

Gourmet Typography Returns to SVA

Join Ilene as she teaches her ever-popular Gourmet Typography class at School of Visual Arts in NYC. Learn the typographic skills and secrets of type experts, including what makes a good typeface, selecting the right type for your job, mixing type, techniques for emphasis, fine-tuning, kerning and spacing your type, and typographic dos and don'ts, as well as mastering OpenType, type on the Web, web fonts, and type in motion. Check it out...

Bring Gourmet Typography to your company, school or organization! 

The Type Studio offers Gourmet Typography Training, a customized series of workshops and seminars on all aspects of typography for graphic designers, type designers and visual communicators of all levels.


Gourmet Typography Training teaches and demonstrates the expert-level typographic skills and aesthetics that are rarely taught in schools or fully understood by professionals. Fill in the gaps in your typographic know-how and learn how to "see" type like you've never seen it before.


Training workshops are customized for groups of any size and designed to fit your specific needs. Sessions are scheduled for your convenience - daytime, evenings or weekends. We will design a program customized for your particular requirements.


These are some of the companies and groups that The Type Studio has worked with:


Time Inc. | Essence Magazine
Hachette | Grand Central Publishing
Fisher-PriceToll Brothers
Hagerty Insurance
SAS Analytics
Whole Foods
Harlequin Books
Integrated Marketing
GO Transit | Toronto
Nationwide Insurance
London Life
Alliance Atlantis
AIGA Boston
AIGA Philadelphia
AIGA Atlanta
AIGA Orlando
TDC (Type Directors Club)
RGD Ontario
HOW Design Conference
UCDA Conference

Read more about onsite training here: 


Let us know if your group is interested. For more info, email or call me at 203.227.5929. Ilene

"If there is one word to describe your workshop, that word is awesome! Thanks for remind me that typography is not just interesting but fun. I really admire your passion for your's contagious!" 


"Your down-to-earth approach to type made the session breezy and fun, and I couldn't help but visually re-spacing all the headlines I had the time to linger on during my bumper-to-bumper drive back to home. Thanks again for reigniting my spark for type!" 


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NOTE: In opposition to my constant typographic badgering, you might notice the lack of
smart typographic conventions in this emailing, including smart quotes, en and em dashes. This is due to the limitations of the email marketing service currently being used.