TTS logo v.1

>>  Fine-Tuning Your Type: Hyphenation

>>  TypeTalk: Setting Fractions

>>  Typographic Horrors

>>  The Library of the Gutenberg Museum 

>>  The History of Typography: An Animated Short

>>  Bring Gourmet Typography to your company or organization



Fine-Tuning Your Type: Hyphenation

Hyphenation is one of those typographic details that can easily be overlooked by designers and production artists who might take for granted that their software will handle it. But while today's design applications are quite robust and have the capacity to fine-tune type, it is up to the user to determine if, when, and how much to hyphenate, and to set the software to behave accordingly. Read on...



TypeTalk: Setting Fractions

Q. How can I typeset diagonal fractions?

A. Fractions are a fairly common element in typeset copy. Whether used in recipes, manuals, or body text to indicate size, dimension, and quantity, good typography calls for professional-looking fractions, which in most cases are diagonal (or slashed) fractions. Learn how... 



Typographic Horrors


A very clever and visually impactful exposition by FontShop of some of the 'blood-curdling' typographic crimes that are commonly seen in every media, from print to the web to motion graphics. Each one reads like a dramatic novela, then closes with a professional explanation. Read on... 



The Library of the Gutenberg Museum

In the digital age, creating type specimens has become easier than ever before. But what did our predecessors do 100 years ago, or even 500 years ago? Dan Reynolds penned this beautiful, informative, and inspiring article on the history of type specimans, with an emphasis on Blackletter, including original showings from 1678 to today's many digital interpretations. Read on...
Type Is Power

The History of Typography: An Animated Short

A delightful paper-letter animation about the history of fonts and typography. Created by Ben Barrett-Forrest with 291 paper letters, 2,454 photographs, and 140 hours of work. Definitely worth sharing with designers and non-designers alike. Check it out...



Bring Gourmet Typography to your company, school, or organization! 

The Type Studio offers Gourmet Typography Training, a customized series of workshops and seminars on all aspects of typography for graphic designers, type designers and visual communicators of all levels.


Gourmet Typography Training teaches and demonstrates the expert-level typographic skills and aesthetics that are rarely taught in schools or fully understood by professionals. Fill in the gaps in your typographic know-how and learn how to "see" type like you've never seen it before.


Training workshops are customized for groups of any size and designed to fit your specific needs. Sessions are scheduled for your convenience - daytime, evenings or weekends. We will design a program customized for your particular requirements.


These are some of the groups that The Type Studio has worked with:


AIGA Boston
AIGA Philadelphia
AIGA Atlanta
AIGA Orlando
TDC (Type Directors Club)
Time Inc. | Essence Magazine
Hachette | Grand Central Publishing
Toll Brothers
Hagerty Insurance
SAS Analytics
Whole Foods
Harlequin Books
Integrated Marketing
GO Transit | Toronto
Nationwide Insurance
London Life
Alliance Atlantis
RGD Ontario
HOW Design Conference
UCDA Conference

Read more about onsite training here: 


Let us know if your group is interested. For more info, email or call me at 203.227.5929. Ilene

"I want to thank you for the great workshop last Friday. You dusted off and reinforced all of those typographic rules that I have, and have not, lived by in all my years as a graphic designer."

"Your down-to-earth approach to type made the session breezy and fun, and I couldn't help but visually re-spacing all the headlines I had the time to linger on during my bumper-to-bumper drive back to home. Thanks again for reigniting my spark for type!"  
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NOTE: In opposition to my constant typographic badgering, you might notice the lack of
smart typographic conventions in this emailing, including smart quotes, en and em dashes. This is due to the limitations of the email marketing service currently being used.