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Point Lonsdale Surf Life Saving Club
President's Post November 2015

Wow ... it's November - Requals are here and Summer is about to arrive !

  • Key Contacts
  • This Edition
  • What's happening at the Club ?
  • Keep up to date and keep informed !
  • Please Support the Sponsors that Support us
  • Our Vision

  • This Edition
    Monahan Centre

    Over the last few month's a small team consisting of our Building Committee Chair (Chris Harper), Fundraising Committee Chair (Ivan St Clair), Honorary Legal Advisor (Tony Greenaway - Partner at Gadens Lawyers) and myself have been working on the transfer of land from the Borough of Queenscliffe.

    Although the 'good news' came through back in April / May, it has taken quite some time and a lot of effort to ensure that we will have something that will last for many generations and not lead to any issues for our members in the future.

    I am hoping that we will have a major announcement on this important matter at our Inaugural Season Opening function, to be held at the Monahan Centre Queenscliff on the evening of Saturday 21 November. See link below for more information on this function.

    The Club was a hive of activity over the Melbourne Cup Long Weekend, with the completion of the Cert IV T&A course (see Facebook for the group pic), the Annual Workingbee (thanks Property team - Andrew MacLeod, Mandy Grbac and Huw Joyce and all the helpers - Ivan St.Clair, Lou & Michael Read, Jay Epstein, Steve Woodfull, Alan & Huw Joyce, Murray Keeble, Justine (Bim) Kiely-Scott, Eliza Scott, Kae Tayler-Morton, Michael & Emily Limb, Amanda & Chris Harper, Simon McPhail, Paul Doman, Ruby Kennett, Scarlett Meadows, Andy Kidd, Rowena Pote, Shane Woodman, Jeanine & Juliet Froomes, and Emma Preston), the first Stingers training session and senior sports training sessions !

    This month the Annual Skills Maintenance sessions (Requals) recommence. This is an important task for our active members to undertake each year before December 31, so please visit our Website and go to the 'Education' tab, then to ''Skills Maintenance (Requals)'.

    Preparations for the 28th Rip View Swim Classic (Sunday 3rd January) are progressing very well.
    Online registrations opened during the Long Weekend as usual - 0700 Sunday morning for the keen ones !
    The RVSC website has been updated for this year's event, so please use your networks to promote this great day for the Club and Point Lonsdale, which is our largest annual fundraising event !

    Finally, on the 31st October applications for the Cadet and Bronze Camp closed. We have had an overwhelming response with numbers way up on last year. There is some more information on the next steps for applicants on our Facebook / Twitter and on the Education page of the Club Website.

    What's happening at the Club ?

    Want to know what's happening now and in the future at the Club ?

    All Club events and selected LSV and SLSA events are published on our central Google Calendar.

    Keep up to date and keep informed !

    Did you know that we are on Facebook ?
    Did you know that we are on Twitter ?
    Did you know that we provide regular updates and information via both social media and have so for several years ?

    On Facebook ? Keep up to date and Like us -

    On Twitter ? Keep informed and Follow us -

    Please Support the Sponsors that Support us

    Our varied and extensive Club services and activities would not be possible without the generous support of many varied Sponsors. Next time you require a service, please consider supporting those who support us and let them know that you value their ongoing support.

    Our Vision

    We will provide lifesaving services for the community of Point Lonsdale and Queenscliff, enable our members to develop their skills, knowledge and experience in lifesaving and sports and to improve the profile and influence of the club through community and member involvement and leadership in development programs and initiatives.

    Key Contacts

    Club Office:
    (03) 5258 1257
    (03) 5258 2823 - Fax
    PO Box 120 Point Lonsdale VIC 3225

    Open 9:30 am to 1:30 pm.
    Mon, Wed & Sat (Year Round).
    Monday to Saturday (December and January).
    Answering machine when unattended.

    KD Allen Clubrooms / Glaneuse Bar:
    (03) 5258 3300
    HC Windmill Back Beach Base:
    (03) 5258 4123
    Santa Casa Beach Base:
    (03) 5258 3366
    4WD Mobile:
    0427 231 333

    Executive Committee:

    Matthew Ponsford
    Mb - 0419 52 52 58

    Senior Vice President:
    Liam Petrie-Allbutt
    Mb - 0413 714 508

    Club Captain: (Life Saving Services - ie. Patrols & Lifesaving Equipment)
    Jo Burch
    Mb - 0431 781 435

    Vice President Lifesaving: (Training and Assessment - ie. Camps, Courses and Skills Maintenance)
    Paul Lunny
    Mb - 0401 711 790

    Vice President Aquatic Sports:
    Mb -

    Vice President Youth & Leadership Development: (Nippers)
    Bim (Justine) Kiely-Scott
    Mb - 0417 059 105

    Steve Woodfull
    Mb - 0428 566 627

    Ivan St Clair
    Mb - 0411 475 833

    Vice President Property:
    Andrew MacLeod
    Mb - 0417 057 080

    Vice President Marketing:
    Paul Doman
    Mb - 0421 832 656

    Quick Links...

    Club Website

    Life Saving Victoria Website

    Surf Life Saving Australia Members Portal

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