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Openings at Camp Gravatt - please visit the website here.

Church of the Resurrection, Greenwood Seeks Youth Ministry Coordinator 

St. Martin's-in-the-Fields Seeks Nursery Caregiver

Grace, Camden Seeks Director of Children's and Youth Ministries

Church of the Redeemer, Greenville Seeks Parish Administrator

Please see more information on the EDUSC website here.
Celebrate Advent this year with your camera phone

The Friends of the Society of Saint John the Evangelist want to share this link to the Anglican News Service post about this year's #AdventWord project. The story has some great quotes from Br. Jim Woodrum at SSJE, Canon Jamie Callaway at CUAC and The Revd Canon John Kafwanka at ACO. These are great to pull for newsletters or social media posts if you are participating in or are sharing Advent Word this year. 
Kanuga Christian Formation Conference Summer 2016

These are the words of our faith, but how do we live them out in this complicated, multicultural, technologically advanced century?  Learn with us about how to be the Church beyond our houses of worship.

The week will include more than 20 workshops covering such topics as racism sensitivity training, means of reconciliation, ministry with the homeless, how to host a dinner church and a wide variety of nuts-n-bolts workshops about formation basics.

Bring the whole family. All will experience a time of learning and transformation. For more information and to register, please
read more here. Early Bird Deadline with special rates is February 5th.
2016 UTO Young Adult and Seminarian Grant Application Process

We are pleased to announce that not only are we accepting grant applications from Young Adults, the UTO Board has also created a process for seminarians to apply for UTO grants for projects either at their field education site or in their home diocese. Read more...
SUMMA Theological Debate Society Camp accepting applications

SUMMA Student Theological Debate Society is inviting high school students across the United States entering grades 9-12 to apply for the 2016 session of SUMMA Debate Camp, July 18-27, 2016. Held at the School of Theology at the University of the South in Sewanee, Tenn., SUMMA is an incredible opportunity for students to explore their faith through intellectual channels, meet lifelong friends, and have a lot of fun on one of the most beautiful college campuses in the country. Read more...
Lift Every Voice 2016 South Africa

Lift Every Voice is a three-year ministry out of the Diocese of North Carolina designed to build an understanding of social injustice that will help participating young people develop a vision and skills to lead their dioceses' programming around race and inclusivity.  The second year, Lift Every Voice, 2016, will be held at the Christian Brothers Centre near Cape Town, South Africa, July 3-10, 2016. The focus of the conference for 2016 will be on South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation process, strengthening our "listening skills" of others' stories and discerning how to respond to these stories as disciples of change. Please read more on the curriculum and application process. We have two youth so far from EDUSC hoping to attend!
Connect a college student to campus ministry in Upper SC and Charleston

Wofford, Clemson and Furman Students on Retreat

Do you know of an Episcopal student attending
Clemson, Furman, Presbyterian College, Wofford, Converse, USC Upstate, Winthrop, or USC during the 2015-16 school year? How about The College of Charleston, The Citadel, or The Medical University of South Carolina? Read more to connect your young adults
Winterlight 40
December 27, 2015 - January 1, 2016
Kanuga Conferences
Hendersonville, NC

Drawing on God's promise to God's people in Jeremiah 29:11, the theme for Winterlight 40 is "Hope and a Future." 40 years ago, Kanuga took a leap of faith and started a youth program to be held during the last week of the year. By reflecting on various people from Scripture who trusted in God's promise and acted in faith, we will learn about God's promise to be with us as we follow God's call to take our own leaps of faith along the way.

If you're in grades 9-12, please register and read more on Kanuga's website.
SC World AIDS Day Commemoration at St. Luke's, Columbia
World AIDS Day Commemoration st lukes
Last night St. Luke's, Columbia had the honor of hosting the PALSS (Palmetto AIDS Life Support Services) World AIDS Day Commemoration. Mayor Steve Benjamin offered greetings and expressed his appreciation for being involved in the event. Our own Rev. Deacon Dianna Deaderick was the keynote speaker. Read more and view more photos...
SC Bishops' Public Education Initiative Dialogue a success
L to R_ Bishop Charles vonRosenberg, Bishop Herman Yoos, Bishop Robert Guglielmone, State Superintendent of Education Molly Spearman, Bishop Andrew Waldo,  
Bishop Jonathan Holston
State Superintendent of Education Molly Spearman sees her work as her ministry. The moral imperative that guides her daily work is the passion that every (and adding the word "every" increases the challenge, Spearman says) child in the state of South Carolina be provided a high-quality education. But the government can't do it alone. That's where we come in. Our four denominations represent nearly half a million people. Knowing that it takes not only good education but love to prepare children to go out into the world, we are called to enter the schools and act like Jesus, walk like Jesus, love and be in relationship like Jesus, as Superintendent Spearman described it. Please read more and view more photos...
Bishop Waldo to Speak at Pre-Trinity Institute Dialogue, "Education Equity"
in New York December 5th 
For the United States to live up to its aspiration of equal opportunity for all, our educational system needs help. Inequities in funding, discipline, teacher preparedness, and social support create an unequal playing field, leading to gross disparities in outcomes. Data from the U.S. Education Department show that these inequities array along racial lines. The good news is that innovative educators are forging, testing, and implementing effective solutions. Faith communities are engaging in growing numbers to help local schools succeed. Please read more... scroll down for information on the panel and workshop leaders, as well as more information on the dialogue itself. Mark you calendars, this event will be live web-cast. Live streaming will be available here.
Outreach and Mission
Haiti Update on Morne Michel from
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral

1) As previously reported, the solar power unit in
Morne Michel is functioning and providing the first
(and only) electric power and light in that community!
It is being utilized for community meetings, extended
classroom hours, and also for students to be able
to study once the sun goes down. This project was
completed through our partnership with Clemson Engineers for developing countries. Please read more to view photos, learn about the Haiti partnership with Sewanee and more...

Reading Matters celebration tonight
Reading Matters, an pilot program of the SC Bishops' Public Education Initiative, will hold an end-of-semester celebration tonight at 6 pm at Trinity Cathedral. The schools will have a chance to comment on the effect the floods had on them and tutors will receive refresher tutoring tips. The Reading Matters program expanded from five Richland School District One schools last semester to 10 this semester. Read more about the SC Bishops' Public Ed Initiative here.
Trip to Quito, Ecuador
January 19th - 24th, 2016

You are invited to take part in a Vision trip to Quito, Ecuador to visit Cameron Graham Vivanco (missionary in Quito from EDUSC) and Roberto Vivanco and witness the work of Education = Hope. For more information, please see the flyer here.
Medical Trip to Haiti February 13 - 20, 2016
If you are interested in going on a medical mission trip to Cange, Haiti, please contact Dr. Harry Morse at hgmorse@gmail.com. No medical experience is required. Must be able to hike long distances and steep hills.
Events and Opportunities
Author Laura Lapins Willis to visit Daughters of the Holy Cross - All are welcome!
Finding God from Advent through Epiphany: Having A Mary Christmas in a Martha World
An Advent Fellowship With Laura Lapins Willis
Monday, December 7 |  11:00 am in Satterlee Hall 
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Columbia 

The Daughters of the Holy Cross in part by Vernon Funds will sponsor Laura Lapins Willis to lead the discussion Finding God from Advent through Epiphany: Having A Mary Christmas in a Martha World on December 7th.  Laura will discuss that women often feel compelled to make the Advent season "perfect." But what if God doesn't care about that? In our time together, Laura will take us on a journey exploring cultural expectations, personal perfectionism, and how God's abundance can carry us through this beautiful season, with less stress and more joy. Please read more... about this inspiring speaker.
Clemson Engineers for Developing Countries 2015 Summit tomorrow
Friday, December 4th
Please RSVP by November 25th

You are cordially invited to attend the Clemson Engineers for Developing Countries (CEDC) end of semester summit that showcases the students projects.  CEDC is a student organization under the Creative Inquiry program at Clemson University that works to develop sustainable solutions that improve the quality of life through interdisciplinary student-led initiatives. CEDC is one of our major partners in EDUSC's work in Cange, Haiti. Led by David Vaughn of Holy Trinity, Clemson, these students have made immense contributions to infrastructure in Cange. For a list of current CEDC projects, please read more...
To RSVP for the summit, please email David Vaughn at dev@clemson.edu. You will be amazed at the work of these talented students.
Congregational Wellness Advocate Training by Living Compass comes to Sewanee
Led by the Rev. Scott Stoner and the Living Compass team, this three-day course will help you develop skills to facilitate small wellness groups and lead wellness classes on a breadth of topics including adult, parent, and teen wellness. You will also take time to assess the wellness needs within your faith community and the wider community at large. For more information and to register, please read more...
Poverty Graduate Course at Francis Marion University's Center of Excellence Begins in January
Registration Deadline is December 11th
EDUC 599 - "Teaching and Assessing in High Poverty Schools" - Open to anyone who has completed EDUC 555 or permission of the Graduate School.
January 11, 2016 - June 30, 2016.
This course will include Distance Sessions and Face-to-Face Sessions l Tuition:  $800
Ensure you have a current Graduate Application Form on file or complete the Graduate Application Form
Submit Application or written request to enroll along with payment (checks made payable to: PDEC) and mail to the Center of Excellence, 4822 E. Palmetto Street, Florence, SC 29506 (Founders Hall 220A)
The 35 available seats will be filled on a first-come-first-served basis. 
NOTE:  This course requires field assignments in a school environment that serves children of poverty. You must have extended opportunities for field work in schools in order to complete course assignments.
Questions?  Call the Center at 843.661.1828 or email coe@fmarion.edu.
Children, Youth, and Young Adult News and Opportunities
Please visit our Resources for Formation Page on the EDUSC website
Church Publishing Inc. Formation Brochure 2015 is Ready

The new 16-page Church Publishing Christian Education Brochure 2015 is now available for you. To view the Church Publishing Christian Education brochure 2015, CLICK HEREPlease consider ordering any of the resources from your local Episcopal bookstore.
Important Children and Youth Dates 
Please click the calendar icons below for a list of important children and youth dates:
Important Children's Dates
Youth Dates

Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina 
1115 Marion Street
Columbia, SC 29201