Help us Design the New El Gabilan Library 
An Invitation from Cary Ann Siegfried, Director of Library and Community Services

We are very proud to announce that the City of Salinas will be building a new branch library very soon to replace the existing El Gabilan Library.  The opportunity for a Library system to recreate its space and re-envision its services occurs infrequently so we see this as an important event in the community.  In the 21st century, libraries have evolved from being warehouses for books to being anchors within the community, critical community hubs where neighbors can meet and learn from one another.  Library users can learn a new language, prepare for the next stage in their career, discover how to become an even better parent, find assistance in building a business, receive homework help, read an amazing story or get information on their health and much, much more.  Libraries can truly transform lives.
We are seeking the public's feedback on their priorities for this space - its design and its function. Currently, the El Gabilan Library's space is less than 3,500 square feet. The plan is to greatly expand its services and structure. The Library has already begun meeting in small groups with community members for their input, but we are inviting everyone in the community for an afternoon of collaboration around ideas for the new library. As we listen to your ideas, they will be incorporated in the planning and additional community forums will be held to keep everyone up to date.  This is YOUR library. I strongly urge you to participate - your input will have a lasting impact on generations to come.  

WHAT:   Community Forum Meeting on the Design of the new El Gabilan Library

WHEN:   December 3rd, 2:00 - 4:00 pm

WHERENorth Salinas High, Multipurpose Room, 55 Kip Drive.
City of Salinas

200 Lincoln Ave.

Salinas, CA 93901

City of Salinas Social Media:

City of Salinas | 200 Lincoln Ave | Salinas | CA | 93901