June 3, 2013
 A Publication of the Affton School District  
In This Issue
AHS Class of 2013
AECC Pre-K Graduation
Last Day of School
Promising Practices

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AHS Class of 2013 Finish Strong
207 Graduates Earn $4.3 Million in Scholarships

Students in Affton High School's 2013 graduating class were awarded 223 scholarships with a monetary value of $4.3 million. The graduates - 207 in all - walked across the stage and received their diplomas during an evening ceremony on May 22. They are the first class to graduate under the district's Affton Strong persistence to graduation initiative,which concludes with the AHS theme of Finish Strong.


And Finish Strong they did: 79 percent will attend 41 different colleges, while 5 percent will enroll in schools of advanced training, 5 percent will serve in the military, and 11 percent will enter the workforce. Read more about the Class of 2013 here

Affton Early Childhood Pre-K Graduation
Class of 2026 Ready to Enter Kindergarten

Congratulations to the 66 Pre-K students who graduated from Affton Early Childhood on May 22! This is the first class graduating from the new Affton Early Childhood Center, which opened in August 2012. The 4 and 5 year olds entertained their families with choreographed songs before enjoying cookies and lemonade together. See more pictures here

Teachers Bid Students Fond Farewell
May 29 Marked Final Day of 2012-2013 School Year

The 2012-2013 school year was amazing, and we want to thank all of our wonderful students, families, staff and community! We hope you have a wonderful summer. Remember to keep reading, stay safe & be Affton Strong! See pictures from the last day of school here

Mesnier & Gotsch Earn Promising Practices
Changes Effective July 1 for 2013-2014 School Year

Congratulations to both Mesnier Primary School and Gotsch Intermediate School! Each have been notified that they received a Promising Practice from The Character Education Partnership (CEP). Mesnier was recognized for their "Hero Training - What's Your Super Power?" program, and Gotsch received the recognition for "No Make Up Tuesday," when female staff demonstrate each week that beauty lies within and not with make up. Read more here


Erica Chandler
Community Relations Director
Affton School District