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March 17, 2016
Stop Title Pawns from Redefining our Laws!
Oppose Amendment to House Bill 811: Speak up now to prevent title pawns from re-defining usury laws!
HB 811, a routine annual bill brought by Georgia's Department of Banking and Finance, has recently been amended to allow 'title pawn transactions,' including title pawn loans, to be even more costly to consumers. While Georgia Watch does not oppose HB 811 in its original form, we strongly oppose this amendment.
Importantly, the proposed amendment was heard in a House committee, in the form of HB 1001, and failed to get the votes for passage. Now, title pawn lenders are proposing the failed bill in the form of this amendment. And doing so as the legislative session nears its end, when lawmakers are often distracted with a flurry of bills trying to make the finish line by the end of the session, scheduled this year for March 24.

Action needed on the amendment to HB 811:
Please help us stop this predatory product that has been offered at the 11th hour!

Please call the officials listed below and ask them to:   "not allow the title pawn amendment to House Bill 811". Your message can be that simple.

Additionally, you can say:
1) The proposal was fully considered in committee and was not supported by our representatives.
2) Even many members of the title pawn industry oppose it.
3) It is an unnecessary financial product in Georgia.
4) If any changes are made in the title pawn statute, they should be to benefit consumers, not harm them.

It is urgent that these key leaders hear from us TODAY to stop this amendment:

Governor Nathan Deal
Phone: (404) 656-1776

Lt. Governor Casey Cagle
Phone: (404) 656-5030

House Speaker David Ralston
Phone: (404) 656-5020

Senator David Shafer
Senate President Pro Tempore
Phone: (404) 656-0048

Senator Burt Jones
Chairman of the Banking and Financial Institutions Committee
Phone: (770) 775-4880

Representative Howard Maxwell
Chairman of the Regulated Industries Committee
Phone: (404) 656-5143

Reply to this email and let us know you called!