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News From Georgia Watch

December 16, 2015
In This Issue
2016 Legislative Breakfast
Health Policy Breakfast
New Financial Protection grants
New Health Access funding
Our 2015 Interns
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As we prepare to spend joyful time with family and friends this holiday season, we are mindful of all the people we've worked with and on behalf of throughout the year. We are proud of our accomplishments protecting consumers from predatory lending, helping people access affordable healthcare, working to keep utility bills low and promoting access to civil justice. 

On behalf of the Georgia Watch team, I thank you for your support this year. We all look forward to our continued partnership with you in 2016 to be a powerful voice for Georgia consumers.

We wish you happy holidays and good health, happiness and prosperity in the New Year!

Liz Coyle
Executive Director
2016 Legislative Breakfast
2015 Legislative Breakfast Panel
Please mark your calendars and plan to join us for our third annual Legislative Breakfast for a discussion of issues facing Georgia consumers.
Thursday, January 28,  7:30-9:30 a.m. 
Blue Room at the Freight Depot
Tickets: $40 per person, $75 per couple

For more information or to sponsor the event, 
contact Liz Coyle at 404-525-1085 

Health Policy Breakfast on February 2 
With our partners at Georgians for a Healthy Future, Georgia Watch will be co-hosting a breakfast panel discussion on February 2 at the Freight Depot titled: "Getting What You Pay For: Consumer Protections for Network Adequacy, Surprise Medical Bills, and Provider Directories."  Please save the date.
New Financial Protection Program grants 
Georgia Watch has been awarded several new grants to cover essential programming in 2016. The Annie E. Casey Foundation has awarded the Financial Protection Program a grant to conduct a research study assessing paid tax preparation services utilized by low-income consumers. We also received support from the Rose Foundation for Communities and the Environment to train agency-based volunteers across the State to organize and facilitate Georgia Watch's scam and identity theft prevention programming. If you're interested in attending a training to conduct scam prevention programming for patrons of your agency, please contact Elise Blasingame at
New Health Access Program funding 
Georgia Watch is convening a meeting of different
stakeholders at the beginning of 2016 to discuss the accessibility, quality and cost of healthcare in Georgia.  This meeting is hosted in partnership with the Collaborative Health Network, with the generous support of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.  The Collaborative Health Network provides trusted peer-to-peer forums and programming to support "HealthDoers" working to improve community health and healthcare. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation selected the Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement to launch this initiative to ensure that a broader network of individuals and organizations learn about and apply the multi-stakeholder approach to their improvement work. The online and in-person offerings of the Collaborative Health Network are designed to rapidly identify and spread what works, foster meaningful connections, and incorporate participant feedback to set priorities. Join the Collaborative Health Network by visiting and follow #healthdoers on Twitter.
Thank you to our 2015 interns
Without the support and energy of our incredible graduate-level interns, our work on behalf of consumers would not be possible. Please join us in thanking our amazing 2015 interns for their work to make Georgia a model for consumer protection:
  • Jonathan Burke, MPP Candidate, Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University, Class of 2016
  • Suzanne Campanella, MPH Candidate, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, Class of 2016
  • Adriana Jaume, J.D. Candidate, Emory University School of Law, Class of 2016
  • Naomi Miliner, MSW Candidate, Clark Atlanta University, Class of 2016
  • Sarah OwensJ.D. Candidate, Emory University School of Law, Class of 2017
  • Brittany Perkins, MPH Candidate, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, Class of 2016
  • Lindsey Stephens, J.D., Duke University School of Law, Class of 2015
  • Anton Trubkin, J.D. Candidate, Emory University School of Law, Class of 2017