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March 17, 2014
Senate to vote this week on HB 707


Oppose House Bill 707: Speak up now to stop this anti-consumer bill from becoming law!

House Bill 707 would prohibit the State of Georgia from providing consumer assistance to Georgians enrolling in health insurance and from protecting the rights of Georgia citizens in the health insurance marketplace. HB 707 is likely to be voted on by the Senate in the coming days and is in danger of becoming law in Georgia. We need your voice! Georgia citizens deserve better than to have the door slammed in their faces when they seek out information about how to cover themselves and their families. Our state's struggling hospitals and uninsured citizens deserve an honest policy discussion about Medicaid expansion.   


House Bill 707 would:

  1. Prohibit any State agency, department or political subdivision from using resources or spending funds to advocate for the expansion of Medicaid. This would stifle conversation and analysis about how to leverage federal dollars to cover the state's uninsured.
  2. Prohibit the State of Georgia from running a health insurance exchange or accepting federal dollars related to an exchange. This broad language could stop quality local programs that provide assistance to vulnerable Georgians seeking coverage through the exchange.
  3. End the University of Georgia Health Navigator Program. Currently, the University of Georgia is receiving federal grant money to provide enrollment assistance to consumers seeking health insurance and premium subsidies. HB 707 would prohibit UGA from sitting down with uninsured consumers and helping them enroll in an affordable private health insurance plan.
  4. Prohibit the Commissioner of Insurance from enforcing any provisions of the Affordable Care Act. If Georgians can no longer go to the Insurance Commissioner with health insurance policy concerns, the Commissioner will not have a clear picture of what is happening in the insurance marketplace in Georgia.

Action needed on  HB 707:

HB 707 has negative consequences for Georgia's healthcare consumers. It has already passed the State House of Representatives and may be up for a vote in the State Senate early this week. We need your voice to prevent this harmful bill from becoming law!


Call Lt. Governor Casey Cagle at 404-656-5030 and your State Senator (locate your State Senator here) and ask them to oppose HB 707.