Kuhn Orchards Newsletter
mid June 2014
What's Fresh with Kuhn Orchards
Better Late Than Never Strawberries
Fuji Special
Gigantic Blackberries
Ripe & Ready
KO Recipes

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2014 Farmers Market Schedule

Crystal City


Crystal Drive

Between 18th & 20th Sts.

Tuesdays | 3pm - 7pm

April 1 - November 25



OakMarr RECenter, Jermantwn Rd.

Wednesdays | 8am-12pm

May 7 - November 26



Wakefield Park on Braddock Rd.

Wednesdays | 2 - 6pm

May 7 - October 29



9th St. NW btwn 

 Upshur & Taylor

Saturdays| 9am - 1pm

May 3 - Oct 25



Behind old Fairfax Courthouse

Saturdays | 8am - 1pm

May 10 - November 1



301 Center St., S; behind Faith Baptist Church

Saturdays | 8am - noon

May 3 - October 25


U Street

14th & U St., NW
Washington, DC

 Saturdays | 9am - 1pm

May 3 - Nov 22



Hardy Middle School Parking Lot
1819 35th Street, NW
Washington, DC
 Saturdays | 9am - 1pm
May 10 - November 22


VRE Parking Lot, Lorton Station Rd.

Sundays | 9am - 1pm

May 4 - November 2


 Union Market


1309 5th Street, NE
Washington, DC

 Sundays | 11am - 3pm

May 4 - October 26


48th Place, NW at MacArthur Blvd.
Washington, DC

 Sundays | 9am - 1pm

Year Round

We'll be bringing Easter Egg & French Breakfast Radishes, Garlic Scapes, and Strawberries to market this weekend.  We'll also be bringing plenty of Fuji apples, along with the Gold Rush and Pink Lady apples.  

We know your mouth is watering for lots of fresh fruits, and they are slowly coming.  Here are some pictures of our apples, blueberries and raspberries.  As you can see, they still need to grow and ripen.  A good solid week of sunshine is what we all need!  (And then the week after that, we'll probably be asking for some rain.)  
Blueberries - not quite blue yet.
Raspberries - they'll be pink jewels soon enough.
Apples - definitely on the starchy side right now!
We'll see you 
at market!!
Better Late Than Never Strawberries
It seems like it's been weeks that customers have been asking when we'll be harvesting our strawberries.  And FINALLY, we are picking strawberries on a daily basis.  Really, we aren't that far behind schedule.  But since the winter was so long and so cold, folks are just desperate for spring-time fruit.  
And we would rather have late strawberries than early strawberries.  Our fellow Maryland and Virginia growers who attend market with us harvest strawberries earlier in the season, and then when the timing is just perfect, we'll reach good production rates as they are starting to tail off.  It's great for you too because you can enjoy strawberries for a longer period of time from Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania.  
Boxes of Fuji SPECIAL
We are continuing the Box of Fuji Special.  You are more than welcome to order them and we'll pack them here at the farm (or call us - 717-334-2722).  Or you can pick up a box of Fuji at market.  They are $25 for a half bushel box (regularly priced at $33.00).  
Gigantic Blackberries
We have started harvesting a few blackberries. "Blackberries...now?!" is going through your mind, right?!  
We have blackberries, raspberries and strawberries planted in our high tunnel (which is a simplified greenhouse).  The high tunnel allows us to extend the growing season for each of these crops.  We've picked a few strawberries already, and have some blackberries ready to harvest as well.  
These blackberries are GIGANTIC!  Gigantic like-the-size-of your-thumb gigantic!  But their size is not credited to the high tunnel.  This large variety of blackberry is 'Siskiyou.'  Here are some pictures of some of our blackberries at different stages in growth.  Keep in mind these photos were all taken on June 11th.
Siskiyou in the high tunnel
Siskiyou outside
Blackberry blossoms of a later variety
Now, don't get too excited yet.  We aren't going to have a whopping harvest of blackberries this weekend.  But they-are-a-comin'; it will be a nice, steady, and slowwww harvest.  
We look forward to seeing you at the Farmers Market!
In the Apple Trellis, April 21, 2014

Sidney & Anthony 

Dave & Mary Margaret 
Sandy, Steve, Caleb, Diane and Katy 
Kuhn Orchards