Animal Talk
September Newsletter 2013
"Green Renovation"

Since I'm vegan, I try to avoid as much animal product as possible, even in renovation. It was not easy to find all items for renovation in vegan as well as environmental friendly. Until now in Hong Kong, there are only few information on real "green renovation" so I spent lots of time finding the right item. My flat just completed renovation for a month. I am going to share with you the product I used that is free of animal product during the renovation. 


Paint - Natural & VOC Free
油漆 - 天然﹑零甲醛

Most of the common paint you can find in Hong Kong is emulsion paint contains acrylic. Emulsion paint has the feature of fast drying and mould prevention, also contains plastic (sometimes with chemical odor and VOC). Compare to emulsion paint, natural paint more advantages on safety and environmental friendly. There are only few natural paint brands available in Hong Kong with certified VOC Free. I finally chose AURO. Their product is made in natural raw ingredients and with photocatalytical effect. I used Air fresh Wall paint No. 328 white color for the walls and ceilings of living room, dining room, bedroom and drawing room. This natural paint makes the wall with a texture of sandpaper and you can feel the natural of the paint. Even there is dirt on the wall, simply softly rub by dry towel. My flat located at a very humid area. It's already 2 months after painting and still in good condition even the humidity now in Hong Kong is very high everyday. (Usually you are required to paint a "plaster" before the wall paint. Unfortunately AURO plaster contact milk casein which is not vegan.)

在香港普通使用乳膠漆作牆身塗料,乳膠漆一般都是快乾且防霉,部份乳膠漆都會散發化學氣味及含有甲醛,在安全及環保方面天然油漆會較好,在香港有售零甲醛的天然油漆及的專門店不多,結果我選用無化學氣味﹑零甲醛﹑防霉﹑來自德國的牆面漆 AURO,AURO的油漆能夠以100%純天然植物及礦物製作,油漆更具有潔淨空氣效能的光觸煤技術,我的客廳﹑飯廳﹑睡房及書房的天花及牆身都使用AURO 328 Airfresh - 白色 (光觸煤牆壁天花板專用油漆),乾透後表面會有像砂紙般的粗糙感,若果弄髒了可使用乾布輕抹 (有時只要用手就可以抹走)﹐我家位於非常潮濕的地方,塗上油漆已有2個月,在這潮濕的天氣之下牆壁及天花並沒有受潮,仍然保時良好狀態。(一般形況下塗油漆前都要先塗內牆底漆 (俗稱「牛奶水」),AURO的內牆底漆含有酪蛋白,即不是全素。)

Besides, paint, I also ask AURO UK office whether other product also Vegan. Here are the answers:


Wall/ceiling paints: (牆面/ 天花油漆)
All are vegan suitable except AURO 326 Chalk Paint (contains milk casein) (都是全素除了 AURO326 Chalk Paint - 含有酪蛋白)

Gloss/Matt-silk paints: (亮/ 不反光油漆)
All vegan suitable (都是全素)

Floor oils / waxes: (地板保護油 / 保護蠟)
Many vegan suitable, several not as they contain beeswax (大部分都是全素,其他含有蜜蠟)

Cleaning & care products: (家居清潔護理劑)
Many vegan suitable, few that aren't (again often beeswax in polish/ floorcare wax) (大部分都是全素,除了少部分含有蜜蠟如地板保護油 / 保護蠟)

AURO HK 香港網站:
AURO UK 英國網站:

Flooring & Skirting - Bamboo
地板及踢腳線 - 竹 
For flooring, I choose bamboo as it has shorter life cycle and much environmental compare to wooden flooring. I used Verdee Strand Woven Compressed that is most durable and high stability among its product. The color I'm using named Cotton White, which was applied to bedroom, living and dining room. It required less care and easy to clean.

我選用竹子材質作地板,竹子的生命週期比樹木短很多,Verdee 的重壓竹地板色彩系列 - 棉白色,重壓竹地板是該公司之竹地板中最堅硬及耐磨,非常容易打理。

Furniture Surface - Bamboo Veneer
家具 - 竹飾面

Bamboo veneer (also provided by Verdee) is stick onto the plywood board surface. I used Charcoal colour and it was applied to the TV cupboard, bookshelves, platform stair, shoe cabinet and dining room cabinet. 

部分家具貼上了 Verdee 的碳化色竹板飾面,包括電視櫃﹑書架﹑地台階梯﹑鞋櫃及飾櫃。

Platform of drawing room also applied by Cotton White flooring, installed with Bamboo veneer cabinet underneath In the middle of the platform an electric table was installed.  


Verdee Bamboo Living

"Green Renovation" is really possible for your home!

Love and Light


Can I be your pet? 

就只是在於人類自己想吃的就叫食物, 想玩的就叫寵物

We Are One

Rosina Upcoming Workshops

 動物傳心術課程 十月

2013/10/5 - 8, 10am~6pm 動物傳心術 Level 1

2013/10/9 (WED) 10am~6pm 動物傳心術 Level 2
2013/10/10 - 11, 10am~6pm 動物傳心術 Level 3
2013/10/12 (SAT) 10am~6pm Rejuvenation Healing & Water Healing 恢復療法&水療
2013/10/13 (SUN) 10am~6pm Reiki 2 靈氣二階


2013/10/15 - 17, 10am~6pm 自然療癒森林淨心


2013/10/20 (SUN) 10am~6pm 動物傳心高階技巧實用班

Singapore AC Workshops

Animal Communication Level 1 (Foundation) 
2nd & 3rd Nov, 2013 (Sat & Sun) 11am to 6pm
Animal Communication Level 2 (Intermediate)
 5th Nov, 2013 (Tues) 1030am to 530pm
Animal Communication Level 3 (Advanced)
 9th & 10th, 2013 (Sat & Sun) 1030am to 530pm
Reiki 1 - 6th Nov (Wed) 1030am to 530pm
Reiki 2 - 7th Nov (Thurs) 1030am to 530pm

Shanghai AC Workshops

Animal Communication Workshop (Foundation) - Level 1 動物傳心工作坊(基礎班)
Date: Sat, 31 August & Sun 1 September 2013

Hong Kong Workshops

Animal Communication Workshop (Foundation) - Level 1 動物傳心工作坊(基礎班)
1) Date: 26 October 2013 (Saturday - Part A) 2:00pm - 8:00pm/9:00pm
Date: 27 October 2013 (Sunday - Part B) 11:00am - 6:00pm/7:00pm
2) Date: 16 November 2013 (Saturday - Part A) 2:00pm - 8:00pm/9:00pm
Date: 17 November 2013 (Sunday - Part B) 11:00am - 6:00pm/7:00pm
3) Date: 7 December 2013 (Saturday - Part A) 2:00pm - 8:00pm/9:00pm
Date: 8 December 2013 (Sunday - Part B) 11:00am - 6:00pm/7:00pm

Animal Communication Workshop - Level 2 (動物傳心術-中階工作坊)

1) Date: 21 September 2013 (Saturday) 11:00am - 7:00pm/8:00pm
2) Date: 24 November 2013 (Sunday) 11:00am - 7:00pm/8:00pm
3) Date: 15 December 2013 (Sunday) 11:00am - 7:00pm/8:00pm

Animal Communication Workshop - Level 3 Advanced Level (動物傳心術-高階課程工作坊)

Date: 28 & 29 September 2013 (Sat & Sun) 11am - 6pm

Enhance your Animal Communication Skill 加強動物溝通技巧

Date: 22nd Sept, 2013 (Sunday) 11am - 7/8pm

Reiki Level 1 (Including Reiki for Pets)

Date: 24 August 2013 (Saturday)
Date: 15 September 2013 (Sunday)

Reiki Level 2

Date: 5 September 2013 (Thurs) - English only
Date: 23 November 2013 (Sat)
Date: 21 December 2013 (Sat)

Reiki ART

Date: 14 Sept 2013 (Sat)

Animal Communication Practice Group Schedule (動物溝通學生集體練習時間表)

Date: 11 Sept 2013 (Wed)
Date: 2 Oct 2013 (Wed)
Date: 20 Nov 2013 (Wed)
Date: 11 Dec 2013 (Wed)

Energy Healing Practice Night Schedule (能量治療學生集體練習時間表)

Date: 23 September 2013 (Mon)
Date: 28 October 2013 (Mon)
Date: 25 November 2013 (Mon)
Date: 16 December 2013 (Mon)

Rosina and the Aristocratic Pomeranians 
Animal Talk LTD

Workshop Registration and Enquiries


Phone: (+852) 6089 4727or (+852) 6383 6299


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