October 7, 2014
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Try INFOhio's New One-Stop Searching with ISearch

Today's student researchers (not to mention their teachers) are faced with a hard choice.
Look for this search box at the top of every INFOhio student resource page.
They can spend hours searching library catalogs and digital collections one by one to find quality information, which eats into the time they have for the more important work of analyzing, synthesizing, and creating. Or they can take a shortcut and search the Internet knowing that they risk finding resources that are inaccurate and possibly even unsafe.


But today, with the release of INFOhio's ISearch (http://isearch.infohio.org), students no longer need to make that choice. ISearch makes finding quality, vetted resources for school research much easier!


With just a single search box, ISearch scans across multiple collections of magazines and journals, newspapers, reports, primary sources, encyclopedias, videos, and eBooks that support Ohio's New Learning Standards and rigorous academic research. ISearch also prepares students for the types of searching they will use in university and public libraries.


ISearch Fast Facts
  • ISearch is offered free to all Ohio PreK-12 schools, public and private.
  • ISearch makes finding resources at different reading levels easy. Just click either the Basic or Advanced tabs to find the level you need.
  • Although ISearch is open to all Ohio PreK-12 students, it works best for 4th-12th graders, students who are now "reading to learn."
  • You can start using ISearch now at http://isearch.infohio.org. Or just use the search boxes on the INFOhio student resources pages.
  • If you are prompted for one, enter your district's username and password. If you don't know it, ask your school librarian or complete the Find My Password fields at http://www.infohio.org/students/er/find-my-password to get it automatically.
For more information about using ISearch, view this short screencast or look through the ISearch Getting Started Guide. You can also download the ISearch widget to use on your school or classroom webpage.


Please share this ISearch announcement with your faculty and staff using this button:



Contact support@infohio.org with questions or comments about ISearch.
Supercharge! with INFOhio Screencasts

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Screencasts are available on these tools. More are added monthly.

Find them all on the INFOhio YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/user/learnINFOhio.

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