In The May 2013 Issue
Jump Into Summer Professional Development
2nd Annual Virtual Conference
Please Share Your Opinion
Stop Summer Reading Loss
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Jump Into Summer Professional Development
Summertime isn't all about relaxing in the sun. It's the time you have to catch up on
professional development. Fortunately, INFOhio offers a deep pool of no-cost and low-cost online professional development options you can complete as your schedule allows. You'll find just a few options listed here. 

The 21 Things for 21st Century Learning-Work through one or all of this course's 21 modules that 
teach you how to integrate Web 2.0 technologies and 21st Century Learning Skills into your K-12 classroom. 


Topics include

  • Resources and tools to promote Internet safety, responsible social networking, and ethical use of information
  • Using alerts and RSS feeds to stay current
  • Presentation and collaboration tools for 21st Century projects

You can work through the modules for your own learning at no charge. However, INFOhio and NWOET have partnered to provide credit options for the 21 Essential Things program for very reasonable fees. You can earn professional development hours, a skills certificate, or actual graduate credit from Bowling Green State University or Ashland University.  For Summer 2013 credit, register by June 14 and complete work by July 19, 2013.


You can learn more about credit options and fees at INFOhio's Learning Commons website. Or call NWOET at 1-800-966-9638.  

WVIZ/LGCA/NCAA are also offering professional development credit this summer for the 21 Things. For more information, go to WVIZ's Online Learning Courses page and scroll down.  


Learn With INFOhio Webinar Archive  

The 2012-13 Learn With INFOhio Webinar series finished May 9.  But you can still take advantage of these no cost professional development opportunities throughout the summer. Just click the Recordings link on the INFOhio Webinar page to review recordings of all webinars.  You can earn a certificate for contact hours by answering a short quiz at the end of each webinar. 
Hold the Date! August 5-7 for the 2nd Annual Virtual Conference

Take some time for yourself to recharge before the start of the 2013-14 school year at INFOhio's 2nd annual virtual conference, August 5-7, 2013. In a series of interactive online workshops and keynotes, you'll gather enough new ideas to keep you energized throughout the year.

Participants can expect

  • A keynote address from Gwyneth A. Jones, aka The Daring Librarian
  • The latest on instructional shifts in Ohio's New Learning Standards and AASL's new lesson plan database
  • Tools for college and career readiness
  • Plus mini-sessions on curation tools, such as Pinterest and Symbaloo

You can earn up to 15 contact hours or 1 hour of graduate credit toward professional development requirements. 


Watch your email inbox or check in early July for registration information. 
Do You Have 5 Minutes to Share Your Opinion?

Please Take just five minutes to let us know what you use most in the Digital Video Collection and in the Discovery Portal. The answers will guide our decisions on which videos to license and how to improve the collection of more than 20,000 web links in the Discovery Portal.

The surveys close on June 15. Thank you! 

The Digital Video Collection Survey (DVC):


The Discovery Portal Survey:
Stop Summer Reading Loss!

EWOL Home Page Summer learning loss is a problem for all grades but can be a real setback for students in the early grades who need to meet the Third Grade Reading Guarantee. Help them keep their skills sharp over the summer by sending them home with the link to World Book's Early World of Learning. The Early World of Learning offers students in grades K-3 narrated stories, interactive reading games, leveled reading practice, and an online encyclopedia, everything they need to maintain reading skills over the summer. Get there by clicking Grades K-5 on and then clicking the Early World of Learning push button.