News from Pathway Homes, Inc.October 2014
In This Issue
Yes, We Have A Home For You!
Hearing Voices Training Returns to Pathways
Rave Reviews for Pathways' Computer Training Center
Family Group in Action
2014 Holiday Card Design Contest
In His Own Words: The Philosopher
Artists Showcase Their Talents in 2nd Annual Summer of the Arts Exhibition
A Make-Over for the Computer Training Center
Use Your Feet to Lend A Hand
A Closer Look at Depression
3 Painless Ways to Fall into Green-er Habits
Pathways Briefs
Upcoming Events
Yes, We Have A Home For You!
Pathway Homes' first-ever Director Emeritus, Emil Franks, recently shared his vision as one where Pathways will have a home for all individuals in need - "We will be able to say 'yes, we have a home for you' and our wait list will be gone." 
Emil Franks received a plaque, mantle clock and framed Board Resolution on the night of his last Board meeting as a Director.


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Hearing Voices Training Returns to Pathways

In July 2014, a year after providing the training to the Pathway Homes Family Group, Officer Scott Davis of the Montgomery County Police Department (MCPD) returned to present the Hearing Voices that Are Disturbing (Hearing Voices) Training to staff and volunteers.     

Officer Scott Davis of the Montgomery County Police Department and Board Vice-Chair, Jennifer McKenzie.
Officer Scott Davis of the Montgomery County Police Department and Board Vice-Chair, Jennifer McKenzie.


Rave Reviews for Pathways Computer Training Center


Since the opening of Pathway Homes Computer Training Center in June this year, 13 students have enjoyed eighty-eight hours of training learning the basics of typing, Microsoft Word and how to navigate the Internet.


Pathways Family Group in Action
2014 has been an exciting and information-filled year so far as we have provided an opportunity once every quarter, for family members to get together for information, networking, and support. So far this year we explored Advanced Directives, and Medication and Physical Health. 
Do You Want to Design Pathways' Holiday Card This Year?
Calling all Pathway Homes artists! This is your chance to participate in Pathway Homes' second Annual Holiday Card Design Competition.  Pathways' 2014 Holiday Card could feature your artwork. 
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It's hard to believe that it has been thirty-four years since the founding families of Pathway Homes had a dream to provide stable housing and quality support services to individuals with mental illness and co-occurring conditions.  Since that modest beginning, Pathway Homes has continued to grow, to innovate, and to evolve to meet ever increasing public need. 


As I reflect on this past year, I see a year of growth, accomplishment and recognition. We submitted several grant funding applications and were awarded funds from a variety of local and state agencies that will make it possible for us to continue meeting the needs of individuals in our community.  These funds will also help us further the goals of the county's 10 Year Plan to End Homelessness.  Some of these efforts already paid dividends as we were able to serve even more individuals than we did last year.  We continued to partner with public and private providers across the State to engage in advocacy efforts and further promote the agenda for meeting the housing and service needs of the individuals we serve.  We expanded our communications strategies and increased our philanthropic outreach efforts through increased use of technology and social media.  Amidst all of that, the dedication and excellence of our staff and personnel practices were recognized through community awards and our ranking in 14th place for The NonProfit Times' 50 Best Nonprofits to Work For in the United States!


On behalf of the individuals served, staff, and the Board of Directors, we would like to express our sincere thanks for your support throughout our 34 years of growth, and your continued investment in our community.


Sylisa Lambert-Woodard, EdD, LCSW, LSATP, MAC
President and CEO
In His Own Words: The Philosopher

  Mitch Kato

By: Mitch Kato


There was a period of my life where I had some time on my hands so I signed up for an online college.  I was intending on getting a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy which was long overdue.  American Public University was the only online school that was offering that degree.  The school was demanding.  But I really developed my reading and writing.  Even the English Composition class was geared towards conservative learning, which I appreciated.  I have had a life-long interest in philosophy.   Then after I graduated from there I started my own club in Reston.  

Artists Showcase Their Talents in 2nd Annual Summer of the Arts Exhibition


The thrill for Lorraine Johnson, hasn't worn off.  When she was a student in high school, she regularly got A's in math and English, but flunked art.  She says she never dreamed that someday her art might hang in a gallery.

But that's exactly where two of her art pieces and ��other works created by Pathway Homes residents were; hanging in the Workhouse Arts Center in Lorton for the entire world to see.  Lorraine and twenty others were featured in this year's Summer of the Arts Exhibition, which was ran from August 6th through the 14.


Veris Group paints a bench
A Make-Over for the Computer Training Center


On July 11, 2014, the Pathways Computer Training Center received a make-over.  With the help of Kara Best, Pathways' Event Coordinator Intern, the Veris Group gave the center a facelift that lightened the space and captured the essence of the center. 



Help the Homeless Walk 2014 Banner

What do you call hundreds of people on the streets for a good cause? We call it the Annual Help the Homeless Community Walk and we are thrilled to present this year's walk on Saturday, October 25th.

This is the 15th year that Pathway Homes has been involved in the Help the Homeless Community Walk campaign to aid homeless individuals in Northern Virginia. The annual fall walk has become a Pathways' tradition, and our most anticipated fundraising event
A Closer Look at Depression


Closer Look at Depression
Photo courtesy: Lloyd Morgan via Flickr

By: Ashley Inks, LPC


When celebrities such as Robin Williams commit suicide, the topic of mental health gets thrown into the spotlight with many people, regardless of their knowledge about mental illness, offering opinions to answer the critical question that is always asked in these cases, "Why?"

3 Painless Ways to Fall into Green-er Habits

Green Pathways


As you watch the leaves change, take a few painless steps to alter some of your daily habits toward the "green" end of the spectrum.

Pathways Briefs: In Other News 

Upcoming Events 


November 19 - Family Group, 6-8 p.m. at Pathways' Administrative Office

November 20 - Steps to Pathways Information Session, 10-11 a.m. at Pathways' Administrative Office

November 27 and 28 - Pathways' Administrative Office will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday

December 4 - Resident Holiday Party, 6-9 p.m. at Church of the Good Shepherd in Burke, VA

December 18 - Steps to Pathways Information Session,10-11 a.m. at Pathways' Administrative Office

December 24 - Pathways' Administrative Office will close at 12:30 p.m. for the holiday

December 25 - Pathways' Administrative Office will be closed for the holiday

January 1 - Pathways' Administrative Office will be closed for the New Year holiday
January 15 - Steps to Pathways Information Session, 10-11 a.m. at Pathways' Administrative Office