News from Pathway Homes, Inc.April 2013
In This Issue
100,000 Homes Fairfax Campaign
Fond Farewell
Navigating Credible's Partner Conference
Top 5 Challenge: Celebrate Earth Day
In Her Own Words: My Game Plan
50 Best NonProfits to Work for 2013
Residents 'Chic' at the Holiday Party
Are you Stressed Out? A Closer Look at Mindfulness
Do You Know what our CARF Accreditation Can Do for You?
Pathways Briefs
Upcoming Dates to Note
100,000 Homes Fairfax Campaign
36 Percent Surveyed Experiencing Mental Illness


Starting at 4 am each morning from February 25th through 27th over 200 volunteers hit the streets, woods and shelters to find and interview members in our community without homes. This was Registry Week, the kickoff of the local 100,000 Homes Fairfax Campaign.
Representatives and friends of Pathway Homes, shown here with Fairfax County Board of Supervisors Chairman Sharon Bulova, showed their support of the 100,000 Homes Campaign at the Fairfax County Registry Week Community Debriefing.


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Fond Farewell


Jerome Webb

Jerome Webb



We remember Jerome Webb, a quiet man of great intelligence.



 Navigating Credible's Annual Partner Conference

2013 Annual Credible Conference  

Three Pathways representatives were on a mission in mid-March to "Make Today Count" at the 6th Annual Credible Partner Conference. Held at Baltimore's inner harbor this year, the 2013 conference brought together more than 350 representatives from the 180 mental health providers nationwide utilizing Credible's software as a service. 
Earth Day Challenge!
Celebrate Earth Day Every Day

This article is part of a series from Green Pathways, a committee composed of staff and individuals served by Pathway Homes whose mission is to provide education about environmentally friendly practices. 

  Earth Day
Green Pathways is challenging everyone to be more environmentally aware on Earth Day and every day. Choose one of our 5 Earth Day Challenges and tell us about how it goes!
 Technology for the Times
Campaign Update
$217,509 raised so far! 
The three-year campaign kicked off in April 2012.
Quick Links...

Dr. Sylisa Lambert-WoodardAs Pathway Homes joined our nonprofit colleagues, local officials and Fairfax County partners in the 100,000 Homes Campaign to raise awareness and support for the homeless in our area, I felt renewed hope that we will eradicate homelessness in our community.   


Since the registry week, the outpouring of support and interest from members of the community is amazing.  We have received several calls and e-mails from individuals saying "I want to help!" 


In our daily efforts to meet the needs of those we serve, we never take for granted how critical your support is to helping realize our mission.   The campaign successfully educated many caring members of our community on ways they can partner with us as we continue to support each individual we serve on their personal journey toward achieving self-fulfillment and realizing their dreams.


Unfortunately, my hope is tempered as I hear about the negative impact sequestration and other upcoming regulatory changes will have on many domestic programs.  The significant fiscal contractions projected for the coming years will impact critical programs like Section 8 Rental Assistance, mental health support services and Community Development Block Grant funding.  I am quite concerned that federal spending reductions in areas where so many of our most vulnerable lack needed services will result in an adverse ripple effect for our communities. 


It will take a great deal of creativity, collaboration and faith to continue to help the most vulnerable in our communities. I look forward to collaborating with our public and private partners to further the goal to house the most vulnerable members of our community, and to continue to provide the supports necessary to keep them in those homes.


Sylisa Lambert-Woodard, EdD, LCSW, LSATP, MAC
Sylisa Lambert-Woodard, EdD, LCSW, LSATP, MAC
President and CEO
In Her Own Words: My Game Plan


Juanita Jacobs    By: Juanita Jacobs 


I manage my life with a play book. Every day I wake up with a game plan and live by my calendar. Right now I am saving money to buy a sofa couch so my visitors will have somewhere to sleep. I live on a budget and make choices on where to spend my funds. I have made the choice to give up buying new clothes so I can buy the sofa couch and get my rug cleaned. My life is good now and I have no complaints.



Pathway Homes Named One of the 50 Best Non-Profits to Work For in 2013

50 Best NonProfits 2013 


For the second year in a row, Pathway Homes is proud to announce it was selected as one of The NonProfit Times' Best NonProfit Organizations to Work For! The award program is a project of The NonProfit Times and Best Companies Group which uses a nationwide survey to identify, recognize and honor the nations' best places of employment in the nonprofit industry.  



Pathways' Residents 'Chic' at the Holiday Party!
Holiday Party 
On the evening of December 6th, Pathways' residents came out in their finest to catch up with old friends, eat good food, sing some classics and dance the night away!



Photo courtesy bottled_void
Are You Stressed Out?
A Closer Look at Handling Stress


This article is one in a series which InRoads is publishing designed to provide information on various aspects of mental health. 


By: Eleanor Vincent, EdD, CSAC


What is Stress? Stress is defined as, "a physical, chemical, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension and may be a factor in disease causation" (Merriam Webster Online Dictionary, 2013).  The symptoms of stress can manifest differently in individuals and can be caused by a variety of factors.    


 Do You Know What Our CARF Accreditation Can Do For You?


  According to CARF, "providers that meet our standards have demonstrated their commitment to being among the best available." Pathway Homes demonstrated this commitment by acquiring its third consecutive three-year accreditation from CARF following the survey in October 2012.



Pathways Briefs: In Other News 

Upcoming Dates to Note

  • April 17: Family Meeting - Social Security & Special Needs Trust
  • June 1: Resident Cook Out
  • July 20: Summer of the Arts - Resident Art Exhibit
  • July 31: Family Meeting - Hearing Voices that are Distressing


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