Fuel Prices at Norwalk Cove
89 Octane Gas
$2.60 /gal &
Diesel $ 2.50 /gal
*Prices subject to change
Friday 3:00 - 10:00 Saturday 10:00 - 10:00 Sunday 10:00 - 8:00
(weather permitting)
NOTE: Mini Golf will be closed during the boat show 9/19 - 9/25
Please call ahead to see
if we are open 203-853-8282
Sat, Sept 17th Clear & Sunny High 76, Low 67 Low Tide: 6:20 am High Tide: 12:21 pm
Sunday, Sept 18th
Rainy with a Chance of T-Storms
High 78, Low 67 Low Tide: 7:06 am High Tide: 1:08 pm
CT Fishing Report
ON THE WATER Click... HERE ______________
Cove Store Hours
Mon - Fri 8:00 - 6:00
Sat 8:00 - 5:00 Sun 8:00 - 4:00
Cove Fuel Dock Hours
Captains Cup Hours
Mon - Sun 7:00 - 5:00
(weather permitting)
Rex Store Hours
Mon - Fri 8:00 - 5:30
Sat 8:00 - 5:00
Sun 9:00 - 3:00
See our HT Archives:
If you have missed any of our Harbor Talk mailings, you can now "re-live the experience" with our
Rex Marine is a Certified Mercury Marine Dealer and Repair Center, offering, sales, service and genuine Mercury parts.
Rex Yacht Sales has long been known in NY & CT as the place to find, purchase and sell a boat.
If you are looking to purchase a new, used or trade-in boat, or to sell the boat you own, please visit
or give us a call at 203-866-5555.
If you have a busy life
but love the water,
it's the answer!
This Weekend!
The Newport International Boat Show
The boat show season begins with Newport! Sailboats, powerboats, 16 Acres and 5 tents. New products, dozens of new boats, seminars, training sessions, plus the weather for Thurs - Saturday  looks great. Make the trip... you know you want to! On display nearby (and free to show ticket holders) is the new state of Rhode Island flagship, the 200 foot Oliver Hazard Perry school ship on Perry Mill Wharf. Also plan to take a water shuttle to the brokerage show at the Newport Shipyard (Really worth seeing!) Open Thurs, Fri & Sat, Sept. 15 - 17th, 10:00am - 6:00pm and Sunday, Sept 18th, 10:00am - 5:00pm See the show website... HERESee the Oliver Hazard Perry website... HERE
Next Weekend - Norwalk Boat Show !
Next week's boat show is a bit closer to home - MUCH closer for many at Norwalk Cove! This year there are MORE boats.
Featuring 250 boats, including 70 over 40 feet long, vendor tents, plus:
Hours are: Thursday - Sunday 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Bring a picture and enter the "Pets on Board" Photo Contest!
New Device Improves Measurement of Water Pollution
From UConn Today - Currently, if the quality of a body of water
needs testing, a large sample is collected - between five and 20 liters of water - and is then transported to a lab for analysis. This process, known as "grab sampling," is labor-intensive and can be prohibitively expensive.  As a result, small-scale testing by citizens who want to measure contaminants in a local stream or in their private wells isn't feasible.
In contrast, a new testing process developed by a UConn researchers has yielded technology that is so easy a child could do it. In fact, the device doesn't require collecting a water sample at all, because it uses a process called "passive sampling.
A small, ecofriendly sampling device is placed directly into the body of water being tested, where it stays for a few hours and is then removed. Once back in the lab, it takes a little over two hours to conduct a full analysis of the water's target contaminant levels - a breakthrough with huge commercial possibilities.
Read the entire story... HERE
This Saturday
Save the Sound Coastal Cleanup
Register today for Saturday's beach  cleanup along the CT shoreline. See the website to choose between dozens of beaches or the Norwalk Island Kayak Cleanup. Other dates are available. If you can't attend, make a donation to a truly worthy organization who is protecting our backyard playground - Long Island Sound.
See the schedule & register... HERE
Save the Date: Sept 23-25th
East End Maritime Festival - Greenport NY
The East End Seaport Museum's 27th Annual Maritime Festival is a week long celebration of the nautical history of Long Island's East End.
Last year over 30,000 guests enjoyed this celebration in the historic Village of Greenport.
2016 BOATSHOW Schedule !!!
Plan your visits Now! Norwalk Boat Show* Sept 22 -25th Web Site Annapolis US Sailboat Show Oct 6 - 10th Web Site
Annapolis Powerboat Show Oct 13 - 16th Web Site
____________________________ *Norwalk Cove Raftup Information
The Cove raft-up for the boat show is THIS SATURDAY. This year much of "D" Dock is being used by the show. Non-raft-up boats must be out of their slips by 8:00 am. Plan on moving back to your slip after 4:00 on Wednesday the 28th. Please remember that all dock boxes, hoses, cables and dock lines must go!
If you are NOT going to Raftup, please tell
Dockmaster Val ASAP
Any questions? Call Dockmaster Val at
Norwalk Cove has been BUSY !
A steady stream of large yachts (read REALLY BIG BOATS) have been coming to Cove for hauling and service on their way south.
Norwalk Cove Marina features state of the art facilities and a full time staff that is skilled in the maintenance, repair and restoration of yachts for both recreational and commercial boat owners. Cove is the only marine facility in the Western Long Island Sound with 4 marine travelifts with a hauling capacity up to 150 tons and up to 138' in length.
Here is a sampling of the boats recently hauled:
| The 48 foot Sunseeker looks tiny next to the 85 foot Warren! |
Soundkeeper Appeals Stamford Zoning Board Decision on 14-Acre Boatyard Site
"For nearly thirty years, Soundkeeper has fought to guarantee continued public access to the Sound for  boating, swimming, and fishing, to promote a working waterfront, and to protect water quality." said Reed Super of Super Law Group, Soundkeeper's long-time attorney and adviser. "Soundkeeper is continuing that effort. A full-service boatyard and marina should be restored at the Yacht Haven West site as soon as possible. We vigorously oppose the elimination of the requirement to maintain a boatyard
on the 14-acre peninsula."
See the press release and consider donating to the legal fund.
See the press release... HERE
2016 Calendar of Fun Things to do
Around the Sound
It's time to make your summer boating plans - check out our 2016 Calendar of fun things to do around the Sound !
Boating Courses and Seminars
Safe Boating Certs, Navigation & Boat Handling
See the updated list... HERE NOTE: New Seminars and Courses Listed
Fall Sales at Rex & Cove
Norwalk Cove - Watch for our Boat Show Specials!!
Selected Items an Boutique Gifts for the Norwalk Boat Show!
Rex Marine - Closeout Pricing on Women's Topsiders
See Rex at the Norwalk Boat Show with our best prices of the season on inflatable dinghies and engines.
Norwalk Marine Police & the Fire Boat Were Busy Last Weekend
NORWALK - In a span of 24 hours  last weekend, Norwalk Marine Police and the Fire Boat were called on to rescue boaters in three separate incidents.
A man was hit in the head by the boom and knocked overboard, a boat grounded on Shea Island in high winds and the crew had to be rescued and two Kayakers had to be rescued from Betts Island.
See the HOUR article... HERE
Save the Sound Water Monitoring Project
The Save the Sound water quality monitoring program, supported by volunteers and people like you, is making a difference for the beaches and waterways you visit all around Long Island Sound!
After four seasons of testing the waters, improvements are on the horizon - but a lot of work remains. Half of the samples tested this summer still failed to meet the criteria for safe swimming conditions.