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Harbor Talk Weekly
Rex Marine and Norwalk Cove Marina
Vol 6.27
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Rex Marine is a Certified Mercury Marine Dealer and Repair Center, offering, sales, service and genuine Mercury parts.  

Rex Yacht Sales

has long been known in NY & CT as the place to find, purchase and sell a boat. 
If you are looking to purchase a new, used or trade-in boat, or to sell the boat you own, please visit 
or give us a call at 203-866-5555.


Rex Valet Rack Service
If you have a busy life  
but love the water,  
it's the answer!  


Do you Know What This Means on a Chart ?

another important thing for Norwalk Island boaters to know...


(not just a rocky shore - these are approximately 4 feet and larger) 

Rex Marine Navigation Course

Rex Marine and Sound Environmental Associates (SEA) are excited to offer a three hour evening Navigation Class 
on Tues Aug 23rd at 6:30 PM,

Special pricing... $ 75.00

Come learn the basics and get your CT Coastal Endorsement,  
PLUS learn about electronics, chart plotters and Navionics on tablets or phones.

Register Online at SEA:  
The Norwalk Daily Voice is Conducting a Best
Waterside Dining Poll

They asked for your favorite places for eating alfresco with a water view and have whittled the nominees down to six. Now it's time to vote for the DVlicious best.

Each finalist will be profiled beginning the week of Monday, August l5.

Voting continues until 4 p.m. Friday, Aug. 26.
Keep in mind you can vote multiple times, albeit once per day. Winners will receive a framed certificate along with the honor of having the most coveted sun-drenched spots.
See the Sunset Grill writeup... HERE  


ON SALE at Rex Marine   

Great Pricing on Dinghies and Engines for your Summer Fun.

Planning an August cruise?
Put the dinghy package
together now! 

ON SALE at the Norwalk   
Cove Nautical Boutique
Ladies Tunics
Now 30% OFF

Water Toys 
Now 20% OFF

(excludes cooler Bags)

Short Haul Special
Schedule a short haul at either Norwalk Cove or Rex Marine and save $$$. It is especially recommended that zincs/anodes be replaced on Bravo3 sterndrives    

August 1st thru 31st  

Rex Service 203-831-5234 
Cove Service 203-838-3681  

Call for Details 
Walk Bridge News

Many local residents and business owners attended the CTDOT open house for the WALK Bridge replacement held on the 16th.

The latest plans now call for a lift bridge or a rolling-bascule (hinged lift) bridge. Some 16 local properties will be affected and Goldstein place will become the accessway to the construction site. Plans are at 30% for the planned 2018 construction start.

See the HOUR report...  HERE 
and the News 12 report... HERE
Cove Member Activities
Bingo Night #2 ............ This Friday August 19


Rex & Norwalk Cove are hosting a "virtual" fishing contest. (Virtual as in "please don't bring fish in to be weighed" !!)

Get the Details... HERE

E-mail pictures to

A Rex boater in a 23' Bowrider (at cruise speed) recently encountered a 50 foot Cruiser (also at cruise speed) coming from the opposite direction in a narrow part of the Norwalk Channel at low tide.

Despite the skipper of smaller boat warning his guests of the impending wake and his efforts to slow down and soften the wake's effect (the larger boat failed to slow down), the bowrider hit the very large wake and a guest seated in bow seats was tossed from seat and suffered a significant arm injury.

A lesson to be learned from this unfortunate incident is the failure of the larger boat to recognize the harm his wake could cause in such a situation and not slowing down to minimize his wake's potential for harm. All boats regardless of size are responsible for their wake.

A second lesson is that boaters should recognize and achieve the safe speed for general sea conditions (or large wakes) to be encountered. Barring exceptional situations, there is an optimal safe speed for any given wake or sea condition, and it is the Skipper's job to determine that. For example, a skipper may be forced to return to CT from Long Island at 10 MPH if that is as fast as sea conditions allow while keeping boat hull from pounding itself to pieces and your guests feeling safe and relatively comfortable. The boat speed needs to fit the wave or wave periods being experienced. It will be obvious to you (and your guests) that you are going too fast if the hull pounds and the guests have white knuckles and are mouthing a prayer. Rosary beads are a dead giveaway that a slower speed is advised.

We're all out there together to enjoy the water - please be considerate to other boaters.

See BOATUS on Wakes... HERE 
Download a copy of the USCG Nav Rules...  HERE
See Pg 26 or the CT Boating Regs... HERE 
Ways to Stay Cool in HOT Weather

Stay Hydrated. 
Water is essential for keeping you cool during hot weather. Water keeps your body cool and should be drunk even if you don't feel thirsty. It's okay to also drink commercial waters (such as Vitamin Water) or sports drinks such as Gatorade but they're usually not necessary unless you're deliberately replenishing lost vitamins/electrolytes following a sporting activity.

-Don't wait until you're thirsty to drink. Drink plenty of water before engaging in any activities. If you wait too late, you could experience cramps, which are a sign of heat-related illness.

-Freeze a bottle of water to carry around with you. It'll be solid when you leave the house, but the heat will start melting it from the moment you take it out of the freezer. Wrap it in a towel to prevent water condensation affecting other items in your bag.

Choose cooling foods. Food can keep you cool provided you make the right choices. Choose salads, fresh raw food, vegetables and fruit. "Cool as a cucumber" is literal; it is nearly 100% water, providing hydration to keep you cool. Avoid eating meat and protein-heavy foods during the heat of the day because these can increase metabolic heat production, which can add to loss of water. 

-Make food without using the oven or stove. Find foods that don't need to be cooked, or don't need to heat to be cooked. If you must actually cook, keep the cool air in, and the temperature down, by using the microwave instead of the stove or oven.    -Make popsicles, slushies', frozen fruit, frozen yogurt, and other frozen treats to help you cool down.

Stay out of the sun while it's at its hottest. 
This commonsense approach isn't always easy to adhere to when summer fun beckons, so it bears repeating. Avoid activities in the noonday sun as much as possible. It's best to limit your sun exposure between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. each day during warmer months. When you are outside during these times, limit your exposure as best as you possibly can.

-Schedule activities early in the morning or later in the afternoon  Some people are particularly vulnerable to heat and should stay in cool places during hot weather, such as children, the elderly and those who have health problems.

Wear sunscreen!
While sunscreen doesn't necessarily have a cooling effect, its protective effect is vital during warmer weather. As well as being painful and damaging, sunburn can cause a fever and various signs of dehydration. If left unchecked, sunburns can lead to heat exhaustion or heat stroke.

-At the minimum, use SPF 15. If you're planning on being outside for a while, SPF 30 would be a better option. 
-Reapply often. Every two hours is recommended, but it should be reapplied more often if you're swimming or sweating a lot. 
-Apply roughly a shot glass worth of sunscreen to cover the entire body.

Stay in the shade.
Retreat to shade as much as possible. Taking breaks under trees works doubly well because trees release water into the air that absorbs some of the heat. While shade doesn't lower the actual temperature, the lack of sunlight exposure makes it feel like the temperature is up to 15 degrees cooler. If a cool breeze comes by, that can feel like an additional lowering of 5 degrees in the shade. 
Read more... HERE  at Wikihow   
2016 Calendar of Fun Things to do
Around the Sound  

It's time to make your summer boating plans - check out our 2016 Calendar of fun things to do around the Sound !

See it... HERE 

E-mail additional events to:

Save the Date - August 27th  
Soundwater's Stamford HarborFest16

The City of Stamford was founded on its harbor in 1641 and has a rich maritime history in shipping, fishing, swimming and boating. SoundWaters HarborFest is a celebration of Stamford's harbor and its vibrant  sea shore amenities. 

Info...  HERE  
Boating Courses and Seminars

Safe Boating Certs, Navigation & Boat Handling  

See the updated list...    HERE 

Laser Sailors, Come Out - Come Out!
Save the Date:  
Sept 10th

Duck Island Yacht Club
Laser Regatta  


Get the Flyer... HERE
On a Final Note,