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Harbor Talk Weekly
Rex Marine and Norwalk Cove Marina
Vol 6.08


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Fun Boating Videos 

Rex Marine is a Certified Mercury Marine Dealer and Repair Center, offering, sales, service and genuine Mercury parts.  
SoundKeeper Needs Pumpout Boat Operators
Please contact Jason
to discuss: 

Waiting for Summer?

Seems like we should just concentrate on summer, because waiting for spring has been futile!  Snow, gale force winds, freezing temps - no wonder you can't get things done on your boat! And more SNOW for Saturday !?!?

Many thanks for the great response to the April Fool's edition, your comments were very funny! If you missed it, see it...  HERE. And to the few that "didn't get it"... you had company! Follow the link below to see the Norwalk Hour's article about the sale of Manresa Island... HERE

Meanwhile, the Norwalk Cove launch area bulkhead and travel lift ramp project has been completed and is ready for the weather to cooperate.  
Splash Into Spring with a
NEW Mercury Outboard!

Spring Outboard Specials at Rex:

3.5 Mercury, only...  
$ 949.99 

6.0 Mercury, only...
$ 1,569.95

9.9 Mercury (manual start), only... $ 2,049.55

Also see the new Zodiak Bay Runner Center Console
Fairfield County's Inflatable Boat Headquarters 
The Greenwich Boat Show...

had pretty lousy weather last weekend, but some serious boat buyers did take demo runs on Sunday, even though the wind was howling. 

Keep in mind you don't need a boat show to see the latest from Formua - they are on display at Rex Marine!

Stop by for your own private boatshow! 
Rex Valet Rack Service null

Makes boating SIMPLE! 
1 - Use the app to schedule a launch
2 - Walk down to your ready-to-go boat
3 - Have Fun in the Sun
4 - Drop off the boat and it's put way for you - no hassle.
5 - Refer a friend and you both save $ !!

If you have a busy life but love the water, it's the answer!

 Learn More   See the RACK MAN video 
The Coast Guard Officially Embraces Electronic Charting   

Almost every boater now has a GPS plotter, a tablet or an app on their phone with a nautical chart, and the US Coast Gard now officially recognizes them as replacements for the traditional paper chart.

Over a year ago, the CG got out of the chart printing business, offering free downloads of electronic charts, PDF versions of the small chart portfolios and authorizing certain companies as official chart printing dealers.

So, if boating on the Sound, is it now prudent to head out without a paper chart? Sure, until your first power failure, dead battery or nearby lightning strike takes out your electronic unit, rendering you lost! (Don't count on the Norwalk smokestack being there either)

So carry a paper chart (or better yet a chart book) as backup. It's great to align the chart with the corresponding land and get "the big picture" - then rely on the electronics for the details.   
New Items at the Nautical Boutique
at Norwalk Cove

Nautical Gift Central 
Why is 89 Octane Fuel Important?
Our friends at ValvTect offer an explanation of how the addition of ethanol undermines octane and fuel efficiency:

There are three potential causes for "octane loss" and unfortunately none of them are linear.  

First: Ethanol separation.  In regular E-10 gasoline, ethanol accounts for about 3 octane numbers.  Should the gasoline phase separate, the gasoline on top of the water/alcohol mix will be about 84 octane.  Phase separation is not a linear function.  The fuel is either phase separated or it isn't.  As long as there is no phase separation there won't be any octane loss.  That is why ValvTect Marine Gasoline (VMGA) and ValvTect Ethanol Gasoline Additive (VEGA) are formulated to inhibit phase separation.

Second:  Oxidation.  Gasoline is susceptible to oxidation.  That is, after all, why we use it as fuel.  In the engine gasoline is rapidly oxidized; it combines with oxygen and is converted to carbon dioxide and water.  In the gas tank, on the other hand, this oxidation occurs as well; but very, very slowly and the reaction does not go completely to carbon dioxide and water.  In the fuel tank, the fuel only partially oxidizes and forms ethers, aldehydes, esters and ketones.  Left unchecked, these oxidation products proceed to form the gum and lacquers that make a mess of fuel systems.  They also don't burn as efficiently as the initial gasoline and can lead to octane loss... 

Read More... HERE 
Cove Dwellers... Save The Dates!

Norwalk Cove Spring Picnic
   May 21st 11:30 - 1:30 
Bingo Night    Friday July 8

Dinghy Poker Run
   Saturday July 23
               This year with LIVE Music for the party  

Bingo Night  Friday August 19

Boating Courses Courses and Seminars

See the updated list...  HERE

On a Final Note,