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Cove Mini Golf is OPEN
Weekends Only

Fall Hours
Fri 3 pm - 10 pm
Sat 10 am - 10 pm
Sun 10 am - 9 pm

- weather permitting -

Please call to check before
you come down.....

Mercury Marine Update

As a Certified Mercury Marine Dealer and Repair Center, Rex Marine offers, sales, service and genuine Mercury parts to make your boating painless and trouble free.  


See a great article
about Oystering in
the New York Times, Featuring Norwalk's
Bloom Family...
Like us on Facebook    Vol. 5.36

Welcome to Fall ??

Norwalk's Oyster Festival came and went with the Saturday night concert rained out... the Newport Boat Show was great (and had beautiful Indian Summer weather). The Norwalk Boat Show was well attended and dealers were saying they sold some boats, and every one was hoping to get in some fall boating before it gets too cold...

AND NOW A HURRICANE ?????   Just Great !!!
See below for in-depth  
hurricane info and links. 
                   Rex Store Specials  

Boat Show Prices 
on Mercury 3.5 & 6 HP
  3.5 HP Now only $969.95

6 HP Now only $1,599.95

Note: subject to stock on hand... no rain checks.

Boat Show pricing held over for many items in the Nautical Boutique

You will find various items marked off as much as  
50 % 
It's Boat Show Time !
Annapolis US Sailboat Show  Oct 8 - 12th   Web Site

Annapolis Powerboat Show  Oct 15 - 18th  Web Site 

These dates assume that Annapolis is still there after Hurricane Joaquin comes ashore... 


Norwalk Cove "Move Back In" Info 

Move back into to your slip anytime, now that the show is over.
Please call first to make sure your slip is empty - there may be a queue of boats rushing to be hauled out if the hurricane track heads our way.    
Questions?  Please call Dockmaster Val.  
(203) 838-5899  
Hurricane Joaquin Info
NOAA upgraded Joaquin to Category 4 !! 
As of 5:00 PM Wed Sep 30
Location: 23.0�N 74.4�W 
Moving: SW at 6 mph 
Min pressure: 936 mb 
Max sustained: 130 mph  YIKES!

At 2 AM Thurs it was 948 mb and 120 mph X 5 mph speed
At 9 AM Thurs it was 942 mb and 120 mph X 5 mph speed
At 11 AM Thurs it was 942 mb and 125 mph X 6 mph speed 
At 5 PM Thurs it was 936 mb and 130 mph X 6 mph speed

Confidence in the forecast is low until more data is gathered. Early landfall predictions indicated the NJ-NY-CT area, then predictions were indicating the Carolina's or mid-Atlantic states. Thursday morning they were back to NYC and Thurs. afternoon Joaquin seems to be following the Gulf Stream parallel to the coast.. If that plays out, the Northeast will likely have a rain / wind event depending on the storm's speed and path. (Up to 10 inches of rain and a 40% probability of Tropical Storm Force Winds) See the updated forecast discussion on the NOAA National Hurricane Center Site (links below).

First, some general hurricane info:

291 hurricanes have hit the US mainland since 1851

Hurricanes are rated by NOAA on a wind scale:
Cat 1  74-95 mph winds
Cat 2  96-110 mph winds
Cat 3  111-124 mph winds
Cat 4  125-156 mph winds
Cat 5  157+ mph winds

There have been 3 Cat 3 hurricanes since 1851

Cape Hatteras is hit or brushed most often - averaging once every 1.36 years

The states with the most landfalls (since 1851 records began) are:  FL with 37 landfalls, Louisiana with 20 and Texas with 19. North Carolina follows in forth place. 

You will have trouble standing in a steady 70 mph wind and could be blown away (wind force overcomes gravity).

In the Northern Hemisphere, hurricanes rotate counter-clockwise.

The strongest winds in a hurricane are found on the right side of the storm (with respect to the storm's motion) because the forward motion of the hurricane also contributes to the wind speed. A hurricane with a 90 mph wind would have winds up to 100 mph on the right side and only 80 mph on the left side if it was moving at 10 mph.

With the wind to one's back, the low-pressure center (L) will be to one's left, high pressure (H) to one's right in the Northern Hemisphere.

Storm Preparation

Preparation for a direct hit is different from prepping for a wind/ rain event. Until the storms path is more certain, the prudent mariner will prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

Preparing your boat is YOUR responsibility.

Consider hauling your boat. It may well be safer ashore. Tie it down. If on a trailer, tie the trailer to a tree or building.

Remove all sails (Roller Furling & Mainsail) canvas, covers and biminis.  Roll up / remove plastic windows and doors. Put all loose items below so they don't become projectiles.

Double your docklines (don't tie to the pilings!!). Consider tying to the dock framing or piling hoops in addition to the cleats. Tie to the boat next door so you can keep both boats off the fingers and split / share the loads. Add serious chafe protection - lines part because of chafe, not loading.

Double your fenders and allow for stretch in the lines.

Remove important papers and valuables / electronics from the boat.

Charge your batteries early and remove your dock cords. Turn boat circuits (other than your bilge pump) off.

Close through hulls (not deck drains or bilge pump exits)

Get OFF the boat - don't try to be a hero. Be VERY careful walking on bouncing docks. Be ready for the marina to shut off electricity, water and evacuate the docks.

Move your car to high ground. Put drain plus back in the hull if you are stored on land or trailer (assuming your cockpit is self bailing).

Charge your cellphone and flashlights, have a car charger handy in case power goes out. Imagine a world without the Internet...

Links and Videos

Prep guide from BoatUS 
Hurricane Prep Worksheet    
General Hurricane Precautions and Preparations
More info on preparation from a marine insurance company...

Ready for a Floating Island?   

Designs were presented at the Monaco Boat Show for a fantastical vessel geared at a visionary mega-yacht owner who wants to be different. It features waterfalls, living plants, a glass bottom viewing area, two elevators, helideck, and a penthouse 80 meters above the water.    The price has not been set...

See it... HERE
New Boating Destination in NYC 

With eight acres and berths for 120 boats ranging in size from 40' - 300' it will be "the largest recreational marina to be developed in New York Harbor in 50 years". Construction is well underway and the owners, Edgewater Resources LLC and Singapore's SUTL Enterprise Ltd. had to get a little creative because the marina is being built atop the R train's Montague Tubes.

Billed as the "World's Greenest Marina" plans include include kayaking, fishing, and sailing programs.

ONE�15 Brooklyn Bridge Marina & Harbor Club
40� 41' 47.3022" N, -74� 0' 3.405" W

Read more... HERE    and HERE
Things to Do, Events, Seminars and Courses 

Oyster Bay  Oyster Festival
Oct 17th & 18th

More than 150 years ago, Theodore Roosevelt - the 26th President of the United States - was born to a wealthy family that summered in Oyster Bay, not far from the waterfront property that today bears his name. To honor his memory, community leaders organized a parade to celebrate his 125th birthday. The parade proved so successful that it provided the roots of what would become the Oyster Festival in 1983.
Good fun, music, artists and food - make it your last cruise of the season!

Info is... HERE 
NY Times - Things To Do Around CT

See the Times website & list of events...   HERE  

On a Final Note,