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Cove Mini Golf is OPEN !
Fall Hours
Fri 3 pm - 10 pm
Sat 10 am - 10 pm
Sun 10 am - 9 pm

- weather permitting -

NOTE: Closed during the Norwalk boat show weekend 

Please call if the weather
is 'iffy'..... 203-853-8282

Mercury Marine Update

As a Certified Mercury Marine Dealer and Repair Center, Rex Marine offers, sales, service and genuine Mercury parts to make your boating painless and trouble free.  
The Longshore Pavilion 
at Norwalk Cove

The Inn at Longshore is now hosting all events at the former Ascension Beach Club (Harborview) site at Norwalk Cove.
We welcome them as the exclusive caterers for all affairs.

To book your next event, please call
or click... HERE 

The Origin of  
Nautical Terms:

Honey Barge: Sailors nickname for a barge used for collecting trash and other garbage from vessels "anchored out" in port (XIX). In recent years, a name for the holding tank pump out boat.  
Duffle (or Duffel) 
A name given to a sailor's personal effects, principal clothing and to the seabag which carried it all. The term comes from the Flemish town of Duffel, near Antwerp, and denotes a rough woolen cloth made there.  

An old term for the arrangement of casks in a vessel's hold, and later, of any cargo. (XVI) Possibly from the French term arrumage (arrangement) and has nothing to do with rum. The term rummage sale was originally used for a  dockside sale of unclaimed or unpaid-for cargo 

Like us on Facebook    Vol. 5.33


 Fri, Sept 11th 6:00 - 11:00pm
Sat, Sept 12th 11:00 - 11:00pm
Sun, Sept 13th  11:00 - 8:00pm

The Oyster Festival in Norwalk this year features:

Fri - John Cafferty and the
        Beaver Brown Band
Sat - Dennis DeYoung: The Music of STYX
Sun - Smash Mouth

Info and Tickets... HERE 
                   Store Specials  

Cove Store:

RinseKit SALE 
The revolutionary RinseKit is a portable pressurized shower/clean up system that's like having a hose to go!
Reg $ 89.95
NOW $ 79.95

See the RinseKit  
video...   HERE 

Cove Store

Take an extra  20% OFF Fins, Masks and Snorkels by HEAD 
Rex Store:  

Take 20% off
Gill Foul Weather Gear or UV Tec Shirt

The UV Tec shirt features:

-  50+ UV protection
-  Lightweight technical fabric
-  Wicks moisture away from skin and dries quickly
-  Can be used as baselayer

It's boat show time !

Newport Boat Show  Sept 17-20   Web Site

Norwalk Boat Show*   Sept 24 -27th   Web Site 
Annapolis US Sailboat Show  Oct 8 - 12th   Web Site

Annapolis Powerboat Show  Oct 15 - 18th  Web Site

*Norwalk Cove Raftup Information
The Cove raft-up for the boat show is Sat. Sept. 19'th. Non-raft-up boats must be out of their slips by 8:00 am. Plan on moving back to your slip after 4:00 on Wednesday the 30th. Please remember that all dock boxes, hoses, cables and dock lines must go!   Any questions?      Call Val the Dockmaster 
(203) 838-5899

Take a Day Trip to Stamford

Amazingly different by water!

Stamford, Connecticut's deep, protected harbor has long been hailed as a destination for racing sailors, with Stamford Yacht Club hosting the prestigious Block Island and Vineyard Races, and the Breakwater Irregulars hosting their weeknight racing series just outside Stamford Harbor since 1967. 

However, in the last five years, the waterfront on both the east and west branches of the harbor has been transformed into a bustling public space with a dozen new restaurants, miles of public boardwalks, and a packed calendar of events. Numerous transient slips, a free water taxi, on-site parking and free trolley service to and from the Stamford Transportation Center and Downtown Stamford combine to make the area easy to access, whether by boat, car or foot.

See the rest of the Windcheck Magazine article about Stamford... HERE  (complete with controversial comments following)  

See the latest CT DEEP Stamford boatyard news... HERE 

Next Weekend

Newport International Boat Show 

Running Thursday through Sunday, Sept 17 - 20, this prestigious event encompasses 13 acres of Newport's famed waterfront with all makes and models of powerboats and sailboats ranging from 16 ft. to 100 ft. - ready for boarding and review.

On the land side, an array of marine products and services to enhance the boating lifestyle. Domestic and international dealers and manufacturers will be on hand to provide you with valuable information and answers to all your questions. With numerous countries represented - it truly is an international event.

Click HERE for details and tickets

Blues Traveler Concert - Last Sunday at Bayley Beach

Last Sunday a huge crowd of beach goers and a hundred or so boats anchored off Rowayton's Bayley Beach for the final concert of the Summer concert series sponsored by the Rowayton Civic Association.

The group Blues Traveler gave a great concert that was easily heard by the boats offshore.  Note to self... add this concert series to next summer's "go by boat" list !!   

Great drone shot from Michael Siek

Click  HERE for more photos
Greenwich Sail and Power Squadron
Piloting Course
Start date:
Tuesday, September 29, 2015   
Start Date:   Tues. Sept. 29th
When:         7.00 - 9.00 pm for 6 Tuesdays
Where:        Greenwich Police HQ, 
                  11 Bruce Place, Greenwich
Cost:           $ 115.00 per student 
                  (includes manuals, plotting tools, chart)
Get more info... HERE
Keeping Up With Technology...

Is hard these days... it's moving sooo fast!

For example, I loaded Navionics mobile charting software onto an android tablet, connected it via WiFi to a Sonarphone T-Box (WiFi depth sounder unit with transducer) and learned to MAKE MY OWN CHARTS !! in an hour or so.  Amazing! 

Imagine going into a poorly charted area and sending your dinghy ahead equipped with this tiny box, battery, a transducer and tablet (in a water proof sleeve) and making detailed charts so you could bring your boat in safely.   Of course, that assumes someone hasn't beaten you there and already uploaded their chart into the SonarChart website where Navionics compared & merged it to other boaters data and included it in their last chart update! Really amazing!

Check to see if your existing plotter is capable of doing this and displaying the info on your phone or tablet.

Keep up with the technology - there are great things in the pipeline...    Here are the links:

Navionics Mobile:

SonarChart Live: 

East End Maritime Festival  Sept 25-27

The East End Seaport Museum's Maritime Festival is a weekend long celebration of the East End's nautical history.

For the past 25 years, the East  End Seaport Museum and Marine Foundation has celebrated the nautical history of the east end of Long Island. Last year over 40,000 guests enjoyed this celebration in the historic Village of Greenport.

Read more... HERE

Qualifier Series to the 2017 Americas Cup starts soon - Covered by ESPN
ESPN has acquired the exclusive multiplatform rights to the 35th America's Cup in more than 40 territories, including Mexico, Central America and South America, and non-exclusive rights in the Caribbean.

Under the agreement, ESPN International will air live racing and highlights of all events in the 35th America's Cup, including the Louis Vuitton America's Cup World Series in 2015 and 2016; the Louis Vuitton America's Cup Qualifiers and Challenger Playoffs; the Red Bull Youth America's Cup; and the America's Cup Match Races presented by Louis Vuitton from Bermuda in May and June 2017.

They promise "Fans will be able to watch live and highlight programming of the America's Cup on a variety of platforms, including television, broadband and mobile".

ESPN first aired the Louis Vuitton America's Cup World Series in Gothenburg, Sweden, with racing on August 29-30, 2015.

Read the Article...  HERE

Follow the Action... HERE
Things to Do, Events, Seminars and Courses 

This Saturday - Sept. 12
Duck Island Yacht Club Laser Regatta

Laser Sailor Unite!  Come to Westbrook,  CT and compete in the Duck Island Yacht
Club Laser Regatta!
Get the details... HERE 


SEA Safe Boating Courses
With the Sea Dolphins, You're on your way to being Safe, Legal, and Confident! 

Sign Up...... HERE 


NY Times - Things To Do Around CT

See the Times website & list of events...   HERE  
On a Final Note,

no words for this....