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Rex Marine and Norwalk Cove Marina


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Cove Mini Golf is OPEN For the Season !!
Mini Golf Hours

Mon - Thurs
3:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Fri 3:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Sat & Sun
10:00 am - 10:00 pm 

- weather permitting -

Please call if the weather
is 'iffy'..... 203-853-8282

Mercury Marine Update

As a Certified Mercury Marine Dealer and Repair Center, Rex Marine offers, sales, service and genuine Mercury parts to make your boating painless and trouble free.  
Sign up to Help!
Participate in the annual SWIM Marathon by volunteering your boat and time for this one-day event.

This year the Marathon will be held on  
Sat. July 25th 

To register as a support boat,
click...  HERE   
The Longshore Pavilion 
at Norwalk Cove

The Inn at Longshore is now hosting all events at the former Ascension Beach Club (Harborview) site at Norwalk Cove.
We welcome them as the exclusive caterers for all affairs.

To book your next event, please call
or click... HERE 
Summer Contracts are Available
Norwalk Cove  
Please call the
Dock Office

Rex Marine

or call 203-866-5555   

The Origin of  
Nautical Terms:

The highest ranking officer in most navies. This word comes from the Arabic
amir-al-baka "prince of the sea" via Latin and early French.

An ever-changing word in meaning. In the XVII & XVIII centuries, it referred to a ship's officers, who always worked and lived in the after-area of a vessel (aka the poop deck, and referred to by one early writer as "poop people").

In the late XIX and early XX centuries it denoted the owner's party on yachts, most of which had paid crews at the time. In recent times it has come to mean the crew leaders on large racing yachts; (skipper, navigator, tactician, trimmers). 

This Just In

New Neighbor on
Tavern Island?

It was reported in the New York Post yesterday that supermodel Heidi Klum is interested in purchasing Tavern Island.

See the story... HERE

Like us on Facebook    Vol. 5.20

Fathers Day is Next Sunday!

A gift certificate from Rex Marine or Norwalk Cove is perfect if you don't know what to get! 

See the gift items at the Cove store or order a flagpole for the house at Rex (yes, they do that too!) An in-ground 20 foot flagpole starts at $149.00.   Ideas include, binoculars, a handheld VHF radio, a pocketknife, a new cooler, a marine BBQ, new Topsiders, foul weather gear, and more! Come take a look.


This Week's Special at REX Marine

O'Brien Super Screamer 70" Tube 
Reg: $ 159.99   SALE:  $ 139.99 

To get this price, you MUST say
"I saw it in HarborTalk"
Is Your Dinghy Ready ? 

Another thing needed for a fun cruise that gets forgotten until the last minute... the darn dinghy engine!

Is the dinghy patched and ready, the engine tuned and run? Where are the oars and pump? A wire and lock?  

Remember, Rex is an authorized inflatable repair station for almost every brand of inflatable... except maybe THIS   

2015 Hooks for Heroes Event Sat. June 20 at Halloween Yacht Club, Stamford

Since the 2012 inaugural Halloween Yacht Club Hooks for Heroes event, this annual fundraiser has collected and donated over $20,000 to benefit wounded warriors and U.S. military veterans from the Walter Reed National Military Hospital.

For Information and to Register, click... HERE

Rigging Department at Norwalk Cove  

The Rigging Department at Norwalk Cove is
"hanging around" to help you!


The Paper Chart - Still the Best?

If you seriously follow marine electronics, you have probably read an article or two by Ben Ellison, have seen his Panbo website or perhaps heard him speak at a PassageMaker show.
Last week he wrote a great piece  that discusses the details and information on government paper charts versus different electronic formats - a subject dear to most boaters heart.

After hearing the explanation of the boat sailing in the Volvo race, who plowed into a well marked reef because the navigator "hadn't zoomed down far enough", many boaters are taking a second look at their chart plotters.

If you take your navigation seriously, take a few minutes and read Ben's post. If anything, it will make you scratch your head... then go straight to the boat and compare your plotter with the paper chart.    Have Fun. 
Read it...HERE 

Rex Marine Rack Storage Referral Program


Store your boat at Rex + Have a friend with a boat= $$$ 


You know how easy Valet Rack Storage makes boating and simplifies your life... Tell a friend and you BOTH get 5% off your next slip or storage charge!!  


 Call Bill Gardella Jr. for info.... 203-984-1278



More Ethanol ? Really ??

The EPA recetly announced its plans to increase the country's ethanol mandate to historic levels. That's right, despite the science and facts about the harms of ethanol, the government is doubling-down on its handout to corn farmers and ethanol producers.

But the government can't just quietly inflate the levels of ethanol in our fuel without hearing first from the public. They have to collect comments until July 27th-the easiest way to submit a comment, and tell the EPA to reverse course, is to send a message through Boating United.

To make matters worse, in a gift to the ethanol industry, the White House is handing them a $100 million check to install blender pumps across the US. These are the pumps equipped to dispense E15 and higher blends at your local gas stations. You've got that right; the government is doing everything it can to force E15 into our fuel.

Unless we stop them.    Click HERE to send a message

This Weekend at Mystic Seaport
Sea Music Festival

Mystic Seaport's  hosts it's 35th annual  Sea Music Festival, one of the world's premier sea music events, June 11 thru 14'th.

Fans of traditional sea music gather each year to hear international performers and the Museum's chantey staff perform music from the golden Age of Sail through the best of contemporary compositions.
Retail Store / Office Space Available at Rex Marine.

Prime marine commercial / retail / office space (1500 sq ft) has become available at Rex Marine along the north side of the rack building.

This is an extremely rare occurrence and will go fast! It is being offered to the Rex & Norwalk Cove community before it is formally "listed" 

Please contact Bill Gardella Jr. with your
interest at 203-984-1278 

Horseshoe Crab Tagging Time  

When dinosaurs roamed the earth, the Spring moon brought the lowly Horseshoe Crab to the ocean's beaches to engage in romance (of sorts). This year's Spring moon will have them return to Norwalk, and The Maritime Aquarium needs help counting and documenting it. Sign up to help attach census tags to horseshoe crabs as the crabs come up out of the water to spawn. 

2015 Tagging Dates: 


Tues. June 16 at 11:00  PM to 2:00 AM for high tide census & tagging, and June 17 low tide tagging - 5:00 AM to 8:00 AM


Wednesday, July 1 at 11:00 PM to 2:00 AM for high tide census & tagging, and July 2 low tide tagging - 5:00 AM to 8:00 AM


To sign up or for more details about the training sessions, call The Maritime Aquarium at (203) 852-0700, ext. 2304, or e-mail

Another article about Horseshoe Crabs... HERE
Events, Seminars and Courses

Save the Date - Cove Dinghy Poker Run - July 27th!!

Pre-Register ASAP !!  

Participants of all ages are encouraged, and Pre-Registration is REQUIRED!! 

Everyone is welcome... Shore & Country, South Norwalk Boat Club, Norwalk Boat Club, Ischoda Yacht Club, Sprite Island... Come on down! 


Dinghys, Jet Skis or kayaks are allowed (water pistols are encouraged).   Join your friends and enjoy a fun day on the water !

There will be 5 card pick-up checkpoints around the harbor. Collect a playing card (in an envelope) at each checkpoint. Bring the envelopes back to the finish and find out what hand you have for a prize !


Registration is  at 1:00 and Game time is 2:00 - 5:00 pm followed by a BBQ, awards and volley ball at Norwalk Cove for all participants. Land your dinghy on the beach at Harbor View to finish. Entry fee is $5 per 'hand' and multiple hands per dinghy are allowed. Winner takes the proceeds.


More info & "the rules".....  HERE 


SEA Safe Boating Course


With the Sea Dolphins, You're on your way to being Safe, Legal, and Confident!  
Sign Up...... HERE 


Rowayton Summer Concerts at Bayley Beach

Anchor right off the beach to enjoy the music!

See the Website & list of events... HERE 
On a final note,