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Rex Marine and Norwalk Cove Marina


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The VOLVO Ocean Race Stops in Newport. 

The fleet is expected to start arriving in Newport around May 5, the same day the VOR "village" opens to the public at historic Fort Adams.


Boating Tip: 
Practice your docking
skills on a quiet
weekday morning !



Mercury Marine Update

As a Certified Mercury Marine Dealer and Repair Center, Rex Marine offers, sales, service and genuine Mercury parts to make your boating painless and trouble free.

With factory certified technicians and Master technicians, Rex has the largest staff around to keep your Mercury outboards and MerCruiser I/O's humming.

If you have a spring project in mind...

Now is the time!!

Stop by the store or see the latest from Mercury... HERE  

Save the Date &
Sign up to Help

Participate in the annual SWIM Marathon by volunteering your boat and time for this one-day event.

This year the Marathon will be held on  
Sat. July 25th 

To register as a support boat,
click...  HERE   
Like us on Facebook    Vol. 5.13

Special Sale at Norwalk Cove  
& Rex Marine


Pettit's new water base economical anti-fouling NEPTUNE-5    

Reg. $149.99.....   

This Weeks Special $99.99



Reg. $109.99...... This Weeks Special $89.99



Reg. $21.99.... This Weeks Special $16.99

At the COVE STORE ONLY:      

Monterey water based  

anti-fouling bottom paint


Sale Price: $39.95/qt  &  $119.95/gl

Blue & black only - Limited quantities




Maavelous Mike sez:   


How much did the pirate pay for his peg-leg and hook?  

Answer:    An arm and a leg...   


The next time you go to the Rex store, ask Mike for another joke! 

Cove Mini Golf is OPEN WEEKENDS !

The mini golf season is here (finally!)

Weekend hours are 11:00 am - ?? pm 
           - weather permitting -

Please call if the weather is 'iffy'

See the newly updated official website of the U.S. Coast Guard's Boating Safety Division

The U.S. Coast Guard Boating Safety Division (CG-BSX-2) is dedicated to reducing loss of life, injuries and property damage that occurs on U.S. Waterways by improving the knowledge, skill and abilities of recreational boaters.

For More Info, click....HERE

The Rex Marine Catalog
is now Online !!

Now you can have a 280 page marine
supply catalog with you 24/7

Click HERE
for the Catalog Link!

Once you find what you need, order it by calling 203-831-5236 or e-mail
and specify store pickup or home delivery.
It's that Simple !   

See the SV TV Channel on YouTube... HERE
Lost and Found at Norwalk Cove


Two items were found at Norwalk Cove Marina late last Fall and found a home in Dockmaster Val's office.   


She'd like them to go back where they came from... 


One custom made Navy Blue Cushion and one Off White Custom Wheel Cover.    


Please stop by the Cove Dock Office to claim them,  Thanks 



Wally's Laws of Boating  

Bilge's Law: Any tool, nut, bolt or  screw, when dropped, will roll to the deepest and least accessible part of the bilge. 


Law of Belowdecks Repair: As soon as your hands become coated with grease, your nose will begin to itch and you'll have to pee. The possibility of this occurring is greatest when you are trapped in the engine room. 


Law of Biomechanics: The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the reach.


Law of Docking: The probability of being watched as you completely screw up a landing is directly proportional to how bad your docking is. A corollary to this law states that the worse the docking disaster, the more people will be watching. The inverse of this law dictates that no perfect docking shall ever have anyone in attendance to prove you actually did it. 

Read more from Wally Moran....  HERE 
Summer Contracts are Available

Norwalk Cove  
 Please call the Dock Office


Rex Marine contracts

or call 203-866-5555


Horseshoe Crab Tagging Time  

When dinosaurs roamed the earth, the Spring moon brought the lowly Horseshoe Crab to the ocean's beaches to engage in romance (of sorts). This year's Spring moon will have them return to Norwalk, and The Maritime Aquarium needs help counting and documenting it. Sign up to help attach census tags to horseshoe crabs as the crabs come up out of the water to spawn. 

2015 Tagging Dates: 

Tues., June 2 at 11:00 PM to 2:00 AM for high tide census & tagging,  and June 3 Low tide tagging - 5:00 AM to 8:00 AM


Tues. June 16 at 11:00  PM to 2:00 AM for high tide census & tagging, and June 17 low tide tagging - 5:00 AM to 8:00 AM


Wednesday, July 1 at 11:00 PM to 2:00 AM for high tide census & tagging, and July 2 low tide tagging - 5:00 AM to 8:00 AM


To sign up or for more details about the training sessions, call The Maritime Aquarium at (203) 852-0700, ext. 2304, or e-mail

Another article about Horseshoe Crabs... HERE
Seminars and Courses to
Prepare you for Spring!!
SEA Safe Boating Course


With the Sea Dolphins, You're on your way to being Safe, Legal, and Confident!  
The CT Safe Boating Course is May 3rd in Danbury  
Sign Up...  HERE


Navigating the Norwalk Islands  
This popular seminar will focus on the Norwalk Islands.... Their History, Secrets and Tips for Navigating around and between the 25 plus Islands. 
This Saturday April 25th   
9:30 am - 1:30 pm
    Register HERE
On a final note,

Finding Nemo !