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Harbor Talk Weekly
Rex Marine and Norwalk Cove Marina


Our Locations

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Harbor View at 
Norwalk Cove 

Located beside Norwalk Cove Marina overlooking the area's most
beautiful yachts.


A perfect venue to have weddings, corporate  

or social functions,  

family reunions or team building events.

  Norwalk Harbor View at Cove

48 Calf Pasture Beach Road
East Norwalk, CT 06855



Harbor Talk 
Pay it Forward Moment:

Located in Bridgeport with a mission to offer free literacy and life skills instruction to low-income, undereducated women, the 


would appreciate your consideration. See their website... HERE 





Join their "Scrabble for Success" fundraiser on March 11th.... HERE



Winter Fun ! 
Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Vol. 5.5

Rex Marine Center's Spring Boat Show

Featuring Formula Boats   


Saturday March 14, 2015 from 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM  




Rex Marine Center, Formula Boats and Raymarine will be hosting a huge One Day Indoor Boat Show in our HEATED  6000 sq. ft. indoor showroom!  Come learn why Formula Boats are America's favorite Luxury and Performance Powerboats and receive up to $10,000 in factory incentives on certain in-stock and factory built boats. 

Join us for a day of fun, food & music and attend any FREE workshop: Marine Electronics by Raymarine, Sterndrive Maintenance by the Rex Service Center and Seamanship in the Norwalk Islands.    Register...... HERE



Saturday, March 14th and Sunday, March 15th 


Don't miss the March Madness Sale at the Rex Marine Store, two days only. Door Prizes and the season's lowest prices on everything from Anchors to Zincs.   

Rex Marine Catalogs are Available at the Store

The 2015 Rex Marine catalog is available at the store - they go fast, so get yours this weekend.

This year the Rex store is offering "Ship to Me" service for stocked items as well as special ordered items from the dozens of suppliers we work with.

We're not limited to only one catalog of items... we have a huge selection and will work with you to get what you need, at a great price.    

Summer Contracts are Available

Norwalk Cove  
 Please call 203-838-5899 

Rex Marine contracts

or call 203-866-5555

Winter Seminars and Courses to Prepare you for Spring!!
Sail Seminar at Prestige Yacht Sales                   
Tomorrow March 7th Prestige Yacht Sales Invites You To Sail Seminar with Bob Pattison of Neil Pryde Sails 

Norwalk, CT @ Prestige Yacht Sales, Norwalk Cove Marina 


Please RSVP HERE or call 203-353-0373



Navigating the Norwalk Islands  
This popular seminar will focus on the Norwalk Islands.... Their History, Secrets and Tips for Navigating around and between the 25 plus Islands.

Offered Wednesday Evening
March 18th 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm.  Register HERE 

and again on Saturday Afternoon
March 28th  12:30 pm - 4:00 pm
 Register HERE

Additional Information - e-mail / text Capt. Rick Delfosse  / 203-216-7800 


Darien Sail & Power Squadron - Lectures & Courses

Monthly Lectures and Course Schedule... HERE 

SEA Safe Boating Courses   
The SEA one day, eight hour, Safe Boating
Course is NASBLA and State Approved, as well as recognized by U.S. Coast Guard to meet the State of CT requirements boater education requirements.   


With the Sea Dolphins, You're on your way to being Safe, Legal, and Confident!  
The next course at Rex is March 21st. Register.....    HERE

On a final note,

   Breaking Ice the Old Fashion Way