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Harbor Talk Weekly
Rex Marine Center and
Norwalk Cove Marina

7/10/14  Vol 5.17
Our Locations
Norwalk Cove Marina
Rex Marine Center  

Fuel Prices at Norwalk Cove
89 Octane Gas
$4.38 /gal   &
Diesel  $4.25 /gal 
 *Prices subject to change
Saturday, Jul 12th 
Highs in the 80's
and lows in the 60's.

H 11:56 am L 6
:10 pm  
Sunday, July 13th
 Highs in the 80's  
and lows in the 60's
L 6:48 am H 12:47 pm 
Mini Golf  is OPEN
Summer Hours

Open 10:00 till 10:00
Every Day   

- weather permitting -

Busloads of kids have been visiting!

Join Our Mailing List

Cove Store Hours 
Mon - Fri 8:00 - 6:00
Saturday 8:00 - 5:00
Sunday 8:00 - 4:00

Cove Fuel Dock Hours
Mon - Thurs 8:00 - 7:00 
Fri, Sat 8:00 - 8:00 
Sunday 8:00 - 6:00

-Weather Permitting-

Captains Cup Hours

7 Days a Week
7:00 AM - 5:00 PM  
-Weather Permitting- 


Rex Store Hours
Mon - Fri 8:00 - 5:30
Sat 8:00 - 5:00
Sun  9:00 - 3:00 
Fishing Report ! 
Captains Cup Coffee

Featuring coffee, Espresso, Cappuccino and Latte, plus teas, iced coffee, several flavors of fruit smoothies, baked goods, croissants, muffins plus healthy breakfast choices like juices, oatmeal, yogurt, and a daily hot
soup or Chili.

In addition, we now offer
fresh egg burritos, egg sandwiches and fruit cups delivered daily from Cove Deli!

Rigging Department  

at Norwalk Cove  

Need new lifelines, halyards, radar mast or bracket, custom docklines ?  



If you have missed any of our Harbor Talk mailings, you can now "re-live the experience" with our

Harbor Talk Archives:    

Click Here


To see an archive of  Boating Articles  

Click Here  

Boating Videos
and Links

It's Hurricane Season -
I couldn't resist....


  Jim Cantore,  


Brought to you by Rex Marine,

Upcoming USCG Auxiliary Courses 


Please keep your dog on a leash
in the Marinas and on the docks. Thanks! 

Available at the Cove and Rex Ships Stores

Norwalk is the newest addition to Arcadia Publishing's Images of America.


The book, by local author Lisa Wilson Grant, uses stunning vintage images and postcards to illustrate the history of this town. 



Highlights of
Norwalk include:


  • Images from private collections - not found in other books.
  • The book includes rare views of Norwalk's biggest industries, oystering, hatting, mills and factories.
  • New York City's "Boss Tweed" Marcy's four henchman owned summer residences by the shore in South Norwalk.

Get your Copy Today 

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Register ASAP!
The Dinghy Poker Run  
@ Norwalk Cove  July 26th 
Register ASAP for the 3rd Annual Dinghy Poker Run!       


Participants of all ages are encouraged.  

Everyone is welcome... Shore & Country, South Norwalk Boat Club, Norwalk Boat Club, Ischoda Yacht Club...

Come on down! 


Dinghies, Jet Skis or kayaks are allowed (water pistols are encouraged).   Join your friends and enjoy a fun day on the water!


There will be 5 card pick-up checkpoints around the harbor. Collect a playing card (in an envelope) at each checkpoint.   


Bring the envelopes back to the finish and find out what hand you have for a prize!


Check In and Late Registration is at 11:00 and Game time is noon - 3:00 pm followed by a BBQ and awards at our beautiful venue "Harbor View at Norwalk Cove" for all participants.   


Entry fee is $5 per 'hand' and multiple hands per dinghy are allowed. Winner takes the proceeds!!

Click HERE for the Rules and to Register
 Click HERE for past year's pictures

The NOAA Fisheries Service Research Vessel "Victor Loosanoff" has been hauled at Norwalk Cove for seasonal maintenance.

The 49 foot research vessel is based at NOAA's Milford CT  Northeast Fisheries Science Center, and is used for nearshore aquaculture research.  

The Milford Laboratory, established in 1931, comprises two laboratory/office buildings and support buildings housing raceway and circular tanks. The R/V
Victor Loosanoff is named after one of the laboratories first research scientists, assigned to study the biological problems of Connecticut's oyster industry.
Present research emphasizes aquaculture and habitat-related work. A well-integrated aquaculture program includes studies of the culture of fish and shellfish to develop methods suitable for commercial use as well as for stock enhancement and restoration. Nearshore habitats are being studied to determine what characteristics make a habitat suitable for a particular species.


For more, click this...... 


Save the Date - August 30th

Huntington Lighthouse Festival 


A great on-the-water party accessible only by boat! Bands play from the roof of the Lighthouse to an fleet of anchored boats from 11 am til dusk.



Read THIS article or

See THIS website for info. 



US Coast Guard Auxiliary is offering
FREE Vessel Safety Checks

No, you won't get a ticket for having
outdated flares!!

These free vessel safety checks (VSC) will review your required and recommended safety equipment and review your readiness for an emergency.

On  Saturday July 19 certified vessel examiners will be at Norwalk Cove Marina from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.for free, confidential VSCs. The exams will be performed by Coast Guard certified examiners from the Saugatuck River Sail & Power Squadron of the US Power Squadrons, the world's largest boating education organization. The results of the VSC are confidential and will be shared only with the owner or operator of the boat, who must be present during the exam. A  signup sheet is available at  the Ships Store at Cove Marina

Items covered in the VSC include  proper vessel registration, personal flotation devices, visual distress signals, fire extinguishers, sound producing devices, ventilation and backfire flame controls for inboard motor boats, navigation lights, overall condition of boat and local and state requirements (anchor and line for local area as recommended and required for any NY registered boats). Boats that pass the exam will be awarded a decal for optional display on the vessel.


This examination service is provided at no charge  in the interest of boating safety by the US  Power Squadrons. For boaters not available in Norwalk Cove on July 19, or for further information about VSCs, write or call Al Stauderman, VSC Chair, at or 203 762-9527. Special arrangements to meet at your boat can usually  be made.


Rafting Up - It's a Summer Thing! 


Getting your boating friends together for a raft-up?  Here are some suggestions and links to articles that will make your weekend raft-up a fun and safe success.

Note: Following rafting etiquette will get you invited back. It is generally expected when you join a raft up that you will have friends and "new" friends visiting, so be ready to share your floating toys, snacks, food and drinks. Common courtesy rules... if you visit another boat, lose your shoes or make sure they're clean. Some boaters get finicky about things like red wine, glassware (and children), so inquire before boarding. Some owners are happy to lend a dinghy when needed, but always ask.

One trick is to have all boats tune to the same radio station and keep the volume low enough to carry on a conversation (unless you plan on turning the anchorage into the newest floating dance club). Make sure your batteries are charged up, and keep your generator off to curb noise and keep fumes from bothering adjacent boats, especially if people are in the water. Always use your own boat's head!  Sailboats should also offset their masts so as not to hit when the boats rock. 


For a serious look at one club's rafting protocol, Click HERE  


For a good general review of rafting-up.... Click HERE 


With thanks to Boating Times - Long Island.    

Things To Do:       

Hole in the Wall Gang Camp Fundraiser 

This Saturday, July 12 at Norwalk Cove's Harbor View


Kayak for Camp is a charity paddling event designed to raise funds and awareness for The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp. Open to all human powered watercraft (kayaks, stand-up paddleboards, etc.) and paddlers of all ability levels, the event features 2-Mile, 4-Mile and 8-Mile route options surrounding the beautiful Norwalk Islands.


Participants must provide their own kayak or paddleboard, personal flotation device, and paddle. If you do not own the equipment, please view our list of suggested rental locations.   


More Info.... HERE
The Norwalk Concert Series at Calf Pasture Beach has started.

Held in the city park next to Norwalk Cove Marina. Bring a folding chair and picnic supper.  Be prepared to sing along or get up and dance!

Click HERE for the schedule of Wednesday evening concerts. 
2014 SWIM Marathon is August 2nd. 
Boat Captains Needed 

To register, please click...  HERE  
For Info about the SWIM Marathon, please click..... HERE

The VIBES - Bridgeport July 31st - Aug 3rd

Gathering of the Vibes is an annual music, arts and camping festival now in its 19th year. Rock On!


Hint:  You can hear the music from the water! Seaside Park, Bridgeport


Info HERE       

Things to Do and See, Fun Activities,
Courses and Seminars
On a final note,