Fuel Prices at Norwalk Cove
89 Octane Gas
$ 4.25 /gal &
Diesel $ 4.50 /gal
*Prices subject to change
Saturday, Apr. 5'th
AM Clouds
Highs in the High 50's and lows in the 30's. Tides: L 7:24 am H 1:25 pm
Sunday, Apr. 6'th
Mostly Sunny
Highs in the High 50's
and lows in the 30'sTides: L 8:20 am H 2:20 pm
Cove Store Hours
Mon - Sat 8:00- 5:00 Sun 8:00- 4:00
Cove Fuel Dock Hours
Mon - Sat 8:00- 5:00 Sun 8:00- 4:00
-Weather Permitting-
Captains Cup Hours
Closed - Watch for 2014 Season Opening !
Rex Store Hours
Mon - Sat 8:00 - 5:00
Sun 9:00 - 3:00
Things to Do, Courses, Seminars, and Fun Stuff
Fishing Report !
Norwalk Cove
Nautical Boutique
Many NEW Items for 2014 !
If you have missed any of our Harbor Talk mailings, you can now "re-live the experience" with our
Spring Boating Seminars:
Navigating the Norwalk Islands
Saturday morning, April 26th
9:30 am thru 1:30 pm
Thanks for the Feedback
Thank you for all the feedback regarding our April Fool's Edition of Harbor Talk (both positive and negative). It's great to see how many readers we have who "get it" and can take a minute for a belly laugh. We received hundreds of replies... and some of your replies had us rolling on the floor ! Thank you !
We take this seriously, and again appreciate your feedback. We promise to continue bringing you the latest boating news and updates from Norwalk and around the Sound.
Thanks, Rick rdelfosse@rexmarine.com
Introducing the NEW REX STORE !
Visit our OPEN HOUSE on Saturday April 12'th
We are proud to offer the COMPLETELY REMODELED store - Service Department right in the store for convenience
- New Front lot Main Entry
- New Displays and Centralized Checkout
- Knowledgeable, Friendly Service
- Legendary Rex Attention to Detail
- GREAT, Competitive Pricing
- Did we say Great Pricing ?

Yes, We are open for business Right Now !
Something Serious - Cold Water Boating
Every spring and fall we hear about the potential dangers of cold water boating. This week a potentially tragic accident occurred in Norwalk that needs to be reviewed.....
Here's what happened: It's time to get the boat off the dock and onto the mooring, so you tow it out with the large dingy. Your friend asks if you need help, but you've done this dozens of times before and say no. Trying to get the mooring line up onto the boat is tough as you stand in the dingy. In seconds you are in the water with the boat going one direction and the dingy the other. To make things worse, it's getting dark, the water is about 40 degrees and you don't have a life jacket (PFD) on. Obviously you're in a disastrous situation.
Luckily the friend was still nearby, looked out and saw the boats floating apart. Read the rest...... HERE
Bottom Paint Time Again
Ready to look like a Smurf ? 
With spring, boaters everywhere are gazing longingly at the harbor and beyond, thinking about......... Bottom Paint.
Yes, bottom paint. What to use, how to prepare the hull, how much to put on, how to clean it mid-season, what is new this year, and are they really going to ban copper someday?
If you are asking these questions or need expert advise, see the professionals at Rex Marine or the Norwalk Cove ships store. With over 75 years of experience, they can tell you what seems to work best and how to do the job correctly. Each store stocks all the materials required, at very competitive prices. Ask about manufacturers specials and rebate offers.
For more (and links to paint manufacturer websites)....... Click HERE
In preparation for bringing a racing sailboat back from Bermuda this summer - your editor, Capt'n Rick, is attending an all-day Safety at Sea seminar at the SUNY Maritime College on Saturday.
The offshore racing rules stipulate that  at least 30% of a yacht's crew (including the Captain and the Navigator or a Watch Captain) must have completed a US Sailing sanctioned Safety At Sea Seminar within 5 years of the Race's June 20, 2014 start. The seminar is full, with 230 people registered ! INFO
But this isn't your regular PowerPoint and lunch style seminar !
We'll be getting into the pool dressed in full foul weather gear over sailing clothing, boots with an inflatable PFD vest with harness.... learning how inflate and climb into a life raft!
Topics to be covered are:
~ On the water session with man overboard recovery, setting storm sails & emergency steering
~ Pool session with PFD, life raft use and combating hypothermia
~ Firefighting instruction, use of flares and pyrotechnics
~ Emergency communications
~Damage control, emergency medical treatment and much more
So, I'll be putting some of what I learn into future issues of Harbor Talk with associated articles. If you venture away from shore, out the Sound or to Block Island you should check them out.
2014 SWIM Marathon Boat Captain
St. Vincent's SWIM Across the Sound Marathon is the annual season-ending and marquee event of fundraising for the SWIM's cancer prevention, education and assistance programs.
Boat captains can enjoy a day on the Sound, while also supporting a worthwhile cause - helping people with cancer. St. Vincent's 27h Annual SWIM Across the Sound Marathon will take place this year on Saturday, August 2, 2014 beginning at Port Jefferson, New York and ending at Captain's Cove, Bridgeport.
To register, please click........ HERE
For Info about the SWIM Marathon, please click..... HERE