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Harbor Talk Weekly
Rex Marine and Norwalk Cove Marina


Our Locations
Norwalk Cove Marina
Rex Marine Center  

Fuel Prices at  Norwalk Cove
89 Octane Gas
$ 4.65 /gal   &
Diesel  $ 4.50 /gal

 *Prices subject to change

Saturday, Sept. 14'th 
Highs in the 70's
and lows in the 50's.
Tides: H 7:09 AM L 1:30 PM 
Sunday, Sept. 15'th
 Mostly Sunny  
Highs in the  70's  
and lows in the 50's.
Tides:H 8:13 AM L 2:35 PM

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Fishing Report ! 
Cove Store Hours
Mon - Fri  8:00- 6:00
Sat  8:00 - 5:00
Sun  8:00 - 4:00
Cove Fuel Dock Hours
Mon - Sat  8:00 - 6:00
Sun  7:00 - 5:00

Weather Permitting 


Captains Cup Hours

Mon - Sat  7:00 - 5:00 
Sun  7:00 - 4:00

Rex Store Hours
Mon - Fri  8:00 - 5:30 
Sat  8:00 - 5:00
Sun  9:00 - 3:00

Boating Videos 

If you have missed any of our Harbor Talk mailings, you can now "re-live the experience" with our

Harbor Talk Archives:    

Click Here


To see an archive of  Boating Articles Click Here  


Stop By
for a relaxing treat
Norwalk Boatshow
Cove Dock Schedule
The Cove move out and raft up begins Sat Sept. 14'th at 8:00 AM. 
Move back in begins Wed. Sept. 25

PLEASE notify Dockmaster Val if you do NOT want want your boat in the raft up !
At the Cove 
Nautical Boutique 
25% OFF

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The Americas Cup is Underway !


Follow the racing on YouTube..... Click Here
or on NBC Sports....Click Here   Scroll down, select sport
& choose "other"  (Thanks NBC !)


Sailed in 72 foot foiling Catamarans capable of speeds of 42 knots, the holy grail of sailing is up for grabs in San Francisco !


One well-known person from the powerboat community will be watching a lot closer than most. Photographer Robert Brown, whose photo credits include Powerboat magazine, Boating magazine,
and, will be running Chase Boat II, one of two powerboats capturing live video from the races and feeding them directly to NBC
televison and other media outlets. The 36 ft Twin V-hull catamaran is powered by twin 300-hp Mercury Verado engines. Brown has used the boat for a number of go-fast powerboat shoots, as well for big-wave surfing photo assignments. 

2013 Norwalk Boat Show


The 2013 Norwalk Boat Show will welcome visitors with hundreds of boats, family attractions and interactive seminars, boat rides, features and demonstrations.


A one-stop shopping destination where visitors can board and compare new boats, the show's approximately 250 vendors and dealers will display over 750 boats, ranging from 13 ft. runabouts to 90 ft. yachts.  


There also will be sports fishing and performance powerboats, sailboats and accessories vendors. Capt. Johnathan Hillstrand, from the "Deadliest Catch," will be available to meet and greet fans, and see the Miss Geico raceboat and the new "Concealed Outboard Propulsion" boats. Hustler is introducing the new 288 center console and Formula is displaying 9 boats from 27 - 45 feet. The queen of the show this year is a 93 ft. Benetti motor yacht.    


See you there !   See the  Show Website 



2 Named Storms in the Atlantic - "It's That Time of Year"

Hurricane Season - Are you prepared ? 

See a summary of what NOAA, the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has to help understand all things weather......  Here

See also the Hurricane Preparedness Page......Here  

Careful planning, taking precautionary measures, and making smart and safe choices during and after a storm are all necessary to reduce the impact a storm could have on you, your family and your assets.
Technology Skills & Seamanship - NOT the same

Mariners should be careful not to confuse technology skills, or the sophistication of their integrated, networked navigation system (complete with redundancy)... for seamanship.

null Seamanship(as defined by Wikipedia) is "the art of operating a ship or boat".

"It involves topics and development of specialized skills including: navigation and international maritime law; weather, meteorology and forecasting; watchstanding; ship-handling and small boat handling; operation of deck equipment, anchors and cables; ropework and line handling; communications; sailing; engines; execution of evolutions such as towing; cargo handling equipment, dangerous cargoes and cargo storage; dealing with emergencies; survival at sea and search and rescue; fire fighting.  The degree of knowledge needed within these areas is dependent upon the nature of the work and the type of vessel.....  

For more, Click Here 

Navionics is Looking for a few Willing Boaters
Navionic's Rich Lauer presented an evening seminar on "Sonar Charts" last week to introduce a new crowd sourced method of providing up-to-the-second updated charts with High-Def Bathymetric null contour lines. Thanks to those who attended.

Chart plotters by various manufacturers, using Navionics brand Navionics+, Platinum+ and HotMaps Platinum have the capability of running the "Sonar Chart" program. Customers who own Silver, Gold or HotMaps Premium can get SonarCharts by using Navionics Updates.

Get FREE Charts !  Navionics is looking for local boaters who have a Raymarine plotter onboard to become beta testers. (Contact Rick at if interested) Garmin, Simrad, Lowrance or Humminbird plotter users can use the Hi- Def charts now !

For additional information on this state-of-the-art technology...... Click Here   
Winter Contracts are in the Mail


Norwalk Cove  has mailed their Winter contracts. If you need one, please contact the Service Depatment at  203-838-3681 or Click HERE


For Winterizing Service....... Click HERE  


Rex Marine contracts are available  HERE


Note: Rex has indoor storage space for  

boats to 50 ft.  


Reserve your space now !  


On a final note,
