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Harbor Talk Weekly
Rex Marine and Norwalk Cove Marina


Our Locations
Norwalk Cove Marina
Rex Marine Center  

Fuel Prices at  Norwalk Cove
89 Octane Gas
$ 4.70 /gal   &
Diesel  $ 4.60 /gal

 *Prices subject to change

Fuel Dock Hours
Mon - Sat 8-5:00 PM
Sun  9-4:00 PM
Weekend Weather:
Saturday, Apr 13'th 
. Highs in the high 50's and lows in the 40's.

Tides: L 8:18 AM, H
2:19 PM 
Sunday, April 14'th    
Sunny. Highs in the upper 50's and lows in the 40's.
Tides: L 8:59 AM, H 3:01 PM

Spring is Here !  
Captain's Cup
Open this Saturday and Sunday from 9:00 - 3:00


Join Our Mailing List

Save the Date 
Sat. June 8'th
National Marina
Day and
Open house at
Rex Marine 
Spring Boating Seminar Series
 To avoid This
A New Boat at Norwalk Cove

A MC38 Carbon
Fiber Racer
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Welcome Back Spring !

Winter did go straight into Summer, and it's here ! The yards are busy with boat covers coming off, bottoms are being sanded and washing and waxing has started in earnest.

Opening day for rack storage at Rex begins on Saturday April 20'th, and the Cove Fuel Dock is open for business.

Our ONE-DAY-ONLY SPRING SALE will be this Saturday, April 13'th at both the Rex and Cove stores. 


Now is the time to check the expiration date on your flares and make sure the fire extinguishers are still "in the green". Paint, Zincs, Cleaning Supplies and Waxes are all on SALE for ONE DAY.   

New Maritime Aquarium Catamaran !    

The Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk  has contracted Robert E. Derecktor, Inc. of Mamaroneck, NY to construct a 65 foot $ 2.5 million dollar hybrid diesel-electric research vessel. The new vessel will replace the Aquarium's existing 33 year old diesel powered 40 foot trawler "Oceanic".


The yet to be named vessel's hybrid system is being engineered to propel the vessel for almost 2 � hours on electric power alone, reducing diesel consumption by an estimated 75 percent.


For More......... Click Here 
Cove Store Hours
Mon - Sat  8:00 AM - 5:00 PM   
Sunday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM   

NOTE: The Cove Fuel Dock will be  

CLOSED on Friday April 19'th  

for Annual Maintenance

Rex Store Hours  
Mon - Sat  8:00 AM - 5:30 PM   
Sun 9:00AM - 3:00 PM
See us for all Your Spring Needs ! 

Cove Mini Golf
Open Saturday & Sunday
Watch the for the Spring Vacation
Week Schedule Here 



Sat. April 20'th 8:00 -5:00 PM



USCG Auxiliary  Flotilla 72

Calf Pasture Beach


Call Joe DeFranco at 203-853-4615

 Or e-mail 

On a final note,