Fuel Prices at Norwalk Cove
89 Octane Gas
$ 4.70 /gal &
Diesel $ 4.60 /gal
*Prices subject to change
NEW ! Fuel Dock Hours
Mon - Sat 8-5:00 PM Sun 9-3:00 PM Pump Out is closed
Weekend Weather:
Saturday, Mar 30'th Cloudy. Highs in the low 50's and lows in the high 30's. Tides: H 2:28 PM, L 8:30 AM
Sunday, March 30'th
Sunny. Highs in the upper 40's and lows in the high 30's.
Tides: H 3:20 PM, L 9:21 AM
Captain's Cup
Watch for 2013 Season
The US Coast
Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 72 in Norwalk Presents "About Boating Safety"
8 Hr Class for the CT Boating / PWC Cert.
Contact Joe DeFranco at (203) 853-4615
Spring Boating Seminar Series Click Here
Save the Date
Sat. June 8'th National Marina Day and Open house at Rex Marine
VOL 4.2
Spring is in the air and the 2013 boating season is here !Welcome back to Harbor Talk, the weekly e-newsletter that brings you waterfront news from Norwalk and around the Sound, boating updates and tips, marine safety and rules reminders and what's going on at Rex Marine and Norwalk Cove Marina.
Included are links to the Cove Harbor Cam, the local weather (from the weather station on top of the Cove Administration Building), weather radar links, fuel prices and weekend tides, delivered to you each week.
Stop by to say hello, we've missed you !
Spring Make-Ready: Bottom Paint
Spring is finally in the air and the "winter that wouldn't go away" may finally be over. As we begin the mad race to get the boat ready for the season, we already feel behind schedule because it's been one of those winter, winter, winter, summer years with almost no spring. The good news is that the National Weather Center is forecasting a warmer than usual April. We'll take it !
With spring, boaters everywhere are gazing
longingly at the harbor and beyond, thinking
about.... Bottom Paint.
Yes, bottom paint. What to use, how to prepare the hull, how much to put on, how to clean it mid-season, what is new this year, are they really going to ban copper ?
If you are asking these questions or need expert advise, see the professionals at Rex or the Cove ships store. With over 75 years of experience, they can tell you what seems to work best and how to do the job correctly. Each store stocks all the materials required, at very competitive prices.
For More...... Click Here |
Cove Store Hours
Mon - Sat 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Closed Easter SundayWeather Permitting
Cove Waste Pump Out is NOT open yet.
NOTE: The Cove Fuel Dock will be CLOSED on
Friday April 19'th for Annual Maintenance
Rex Store Hours Mon - Sat 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Sun 9:00AM - 3:00 PM Closed Easter Sunday
See us for all Your Spring Needs !
Demo Day at Norwalk Cove Marina was a GREAT Success
Over a hundred Cove and Rex customers attended - and the Chowder was great ! The Cove informational Demo Day held Saturday March 9th offered many sessions with the pros.... - Paint, gelcoat, fiberglass repairs.
- Troubleshooting basic engine problems & tips on how to fix them.
- Care & maintenance of engines.
- Introducing John Deere engines and service at Norwalk Cove.
- New products & technology for racing & cruising sailboats.
- See what's new in the Cove Ship's Store and Nautical Boutique
- Overview of Spring boating seminars: Coastal Cruising and Cruising Destinations seminar, Women's Only Boating Skills and & introducing the new Close Quarters Boat Handling on-the-water course.
- Introduction of the Bottom Blaster system
- Chowder from Bloom's kiosk in the Sono Marketplace
For the complete list......... Click Here
On a final note,