Norwalk Cove Marina  
Demo Day -  Free and Indoors 
This Saturday March 9'th
11 AM - 1PM   
The Cove informational Demo Day will offer sessions with the pros covering topics you need to know:


Paint, gelcoat, fiberglass repairs and maintenance  


Troubleshooting basic engine problems & tips on how to fix them


Care & maintenance of outboard engines


New and used boats for sale


Latest technology & upgrades for your marine radios & GPS units


Sailboat rigging systems care & maintenance


New products & technology for racing & cruising sailboats


Overview of Spring Coastal Cruising, Women's Boating Skills and Close Quarters Boat Handling seminars & courses.


Chowder in the Ships Store


Canvas and upholstery maintenance and upgrades 


Indoor Event..... start now, spring is coming soon !


For more information call Kate Russell at 203-838-3681