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Harbor Talk Weekly 
Rex Marine & Norwalk Cove Marina
Our Locations
Norwalk Cove Marina
Rex Marine Center  


Fuel Prices at  Norwalk Cove
89 Octane Gas
$ 4.76/gal   &
Diesel  $ 4.40/gal

 *Prices subject to change

Fuel Dock Hours
Sun - Thurs 8-7 PM
Fri & Sat  8-8 PM
Weekend Weather:
Saturday, Aug 18th
Mostly Sunny. Highs in the 70s and lows in the 60s.
Tides: L 6:35 AM, H 12:35 PM 
Sunday, Aug 18th
Sunny. Highs in the 70s and lows in the 60s.
Tides: L 7:15 AM, H 1:16 PM


Cove Nautical Boutique
20 % off all Beach bags, Beach Cover-ups and Picture Frames.
COVE Store
20 % off all
Flares and
Fire Extinguishers

REX Store
 20% off all O'Brien
Water Skis and


20% off all CUDA
Sandals and

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Boating Seminars
  Sponsored by
  Cove & Rex


Coastal Cruising

(includes using electronics) 


Boating Skils 


For Info Click Here

Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter VOL 3, Issue 17  8/15/12

Welcome to this week's edition of Harbor Talk Weekly, bringing you updates, ideas and events around Norwalk.

Dinghy Poker Run - This Saturday !


Please  register ASAP if you haven't !


Not a race ! Travel by Dinghy, Jet Ski or Kayak to five checkpoints throughout the harbor.  Collect a playing card (in an envelope) at each checkpoint.  Bring the envelopes back to the finish and 

find out what hand you have for a prize ! Participants of all ages are encouraged.  Join your friends and enjoy a fun day on the water !   Water pistols are encouraged and VHF radios are recommended, not required.


PLEASE Pre-Register by Friday 8/17 at noon. Meet at the Cove service dock (near the travelift) Saturday at 11 - 11:30 for the Noon start. Finish by 2pm with a BBQ and awards behind the ship's store for all participants. Entry fee is $5 per 'hand' and multiple hands per dinghy are allowed....  

                                           For more CLICK HERE

Exotic Raptors at Norwalk Cove - Friday at 6:00 - 8:30 PM


Join Norwalk Cove Marina in welcoming our friends

from the Horizon Wings Raptor Rehabilitation and Education Center.


Horizon Wings will bring in real hawks, eagles and owls to discuss how they rehabilitate birds of prey for release back into the wild!


After the show stay and hang out for s'mores!


To learn more about the Horizon Wings Raptor Program please

visit their website at


Radio Communications: Which VHF Channel is Which

                  (& how can I be understood on the radio)?


If you carry a VHF radio onboard (and you should) you must maintain a watch on channel 16 whenever the radio is operating and not being used to communicate. You may also maintain a watch on VHF channel 9, the boater calling channel. Note that urgent marine information broadcasts, such as storm warnings, are announced on channel 9 only in First CG District waters (northern New Jersey, New York and New England).


Most radios have a memory scan option where you can add specific channels to the memory and press scan. The radio will quickly switch (scan) through and listen to each channel, pausing only if someone is talking on that channel and then resuming the scan.


Channels you should program into memory:


Ch. 16  Safety and Hailing, Emergency and Mayday calls. Monitor ch.16 at all times. Hail other vessels on 16, then switch to a working channel. Emergency calls always made on ch.16.


Ch. 9  Supplementary calling channel for noncommercial vessels (recreational boaters).


Ch. 22a  U.S. Coast Guard operations channel. Contact is usually made on Ch. 16 and switched to Ch. 22a


Ch 13  Navigation and piloting. Drawbridges and Commercial ship-to-ship. (Tugboats) Monitor (along with 16) when entering or exiting a busy commercial port or traveling on the Sound.


Ch. 68, 69, 71, 72, 78, 82   Working channels for boaters. General-use working channels for boat-to-boat and boat-to-shore communication. After establishing contact on 16, switch to one of these frequencies. Channel 9 is used for hailing in New England, northern New Jersey, New York, and for bridges in South Carolina and Florida.


Note: Channel 70 can no longer be used for voice communications, it is only for digital communications and is the frequency that DCS radios use.



How do I make myself understood on the radio ?


Occasionally, because of conditions or distance it is difficult to be understood on the radio (or the phone). When that happens you must be able to revert to a common combination of letters and numbers that can be pronounced and understood by anyone, regardless of their native language. These universal "code words" are called the NATO Phonic Alphabet or International Radiotelephony Spelling Alphabet which was developed by 31 nations as the standard for voice communications.


You will recognize them instantly.... Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo....  


Click Here to see the entire alphbet and a list of VHF Channels 

On a final note,