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Harbor Talk Weekly 
Rex Marine & Norwalk Cove Marina
Our Locations
Norwalk Cove Marina
Rex Marine Center  


Fuel Prices at  Norwalk Cove
89 Octane Gas
$ 4.35/gal   &
Diesel  $ 4.30/gal

 *Prices subject to change

Weekend Weather:
Saturday, June 16th 
SUNNY ! Highs in the 70s and lows in the 50s.
Tides: H 10:07 AM, L 4:11 PM 
Sunday, June 17th
Fathers Day
Mostly Sunny. Highs in the low 70s and lows in the 60s.
Tides: H 10:52 AM, L 4:55 PM


 Norwalk Cove Web Cam


  Cove Weather Station

Father's Day Gift Ideas !

  • Chartbooks
  • Eldridge
  • Foul Weather Gear
  • Topsiders
  • Multi-Tools
  • BBQ's
  • or the old standby...

   A Rex/Cove Gift Card  

Note: store selections may differ.

June 28th
for the Cove Store
(men too)
Many vendors with specials
  Boating Seminars
      Sponsored by
      Cove & Rex


Coastal Cruising & Women's Only

Boating Skils


For Info Click Here

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Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter VOL 3, Issue 8  6/14/12

Welome to this week's edition of Harbor Talk Weekly, bringing you updates, ideas and goings on around Norwalk.

The Captain's Cup - It's a Hit ! 


Adjacent to the Ship's store, Captain's Cup has waterfront outdoor seating, pastries, deserts and the morning paper.    Coffee Shop hours are

Sun - Thurs 7 am to 7 pm and

Fri and Sat  7 am to 9 pm.

Car Show at Cove - This Saturday 10:00 - Noon


Show your baby or come to look. 

Show cars should arrive at 9:30,

just South of the Ships Store. 


    Invite your friends ! 

All classic cars welcome.  

CT Islands Closed to Public


The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) announced that Charles Island in Milford and Duck Island in Westbrook will be closed to the public through September 9, 2012, to prevent disturbances to nesting birds.


Both islands have been designated by DEEP as Natural Area Preserves, primarily because of their importance as nesting habitats for several state-listed birds, including snowy egrets and great egrets (state threatened species), glossy ibis, and little blue herons (state special concern). The two islands have also been designated as Important Bird Areas by Audubon Connecticut.


For more,  CLICK HERE 

Restaurants Around the Sound - Updated List


Thanks for the feedback and suggestions for the restaurant list ! 


For the updated list,  CLICK HERE

America's Cup Racing in Newport !  June 23rd - July 1st


For the first time, America's Cup racing will be held inside Narragansett Bay, with excellent spectator views of the race course from the AC Village at Fort Adams. The regatta will give the  public an opportunity to watch the world's top sailors compete in the state-of-the-art AC45 wing-sailed catamarans, which will be the first time the high-tech boats will be raced on the east coast of the U.S.

For details,  CLICK HERE      For a wild movie, CLICK HERE

Cove Customers


Pick up your membership pack and card at the Dock Master's office.

Marina Rules - Cove and Rex:


Please inform the Dock Master when you are leaving your slip for an overnight or an extended trip.  That way we can make sure it will be empty when you return. 


A Float Plan, listing trip plans, people on board, emergency contact info and a description of the boat is recommended and appreciated.