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Hume Highlights
Community News from The Hume Center
August, 2014
In This Email
What is Hume Highlights?
We send this out 4 to 6 times a year and include stories about events, updates, local jobs and internships, mental health resources, news from the profession of psychology, and free workshops and networking events.
If you have an item you want included in the next Hume Highlights, please send it to
From Our Last Newsletter
Joty Sikand, PsyD, President
President Joty Sikand, PsyD honored with National Award!

Congratulations to Dr. Sikand, who has been chosen by Behavioral Health Magazine as a national Behavioral Health Champion!


Click here to read more about this honor!


The Hume Center is a non-profit Community Mental Health Organization providing a comprehensive continuum of multicultural and multilingual behavioral health care services since 1993. Thank you for partnering with us to help prevent and reduce psychological suffering. More information is available on our website at


If you would like to find out more about The Hume Center or meet with one of our program heads, please email Department Manager Chris Celio, PsyD at to help set up a meeting.
You Are Invited to...
Come Laugh to Support The Hume Center!
Trapped in a Rumor Improv will once again support The Hume Center with it's fall performance on October 3, 2014 at the Lesher Center for the Arts in Walnut Creek at 7:45pm. As an added bit of hilarity, SEVEN employees and trainees of The Hume Center will perform an improv game of our own.

Please click here to learn more and to find out how to buy tickets.
News from The Hume Center
The Hume Center Logo
Team Hume to Play in Hope and Empowerment Mental Health Community Softball Tournament tomorrow!
Our staff, consumers, and consumers' family members will join forces as Team Hume and take on seven other community and county organizations in the first annual Hope and Empowerment Tournament on August 22, 2014!

Please click here for more information. You'll learn how to come root Team Hume on at the tournament or even how to play on our team! Participation in this event is free!
Hume's Brian Newton, PsyD Presents Two Poster Sessions at APA's 2014 Conference
Continuing Hume's streak of a staff member presenting at APA, Dr. Newton presented two poster sessions based on his dissertation.

Please click here for more information.
Hume Proud to Host NAMI Contra Costa's Peer-to-Peer Recovery Education Course
The course will be held by NAMI Contra Costa at our Concord Office, starting in September.

More information about the course and links to sign up for the class can be found by clicking here.

Please help spread the word about this course.
Help spread the word about our servicesClick here to visit our website to download our brochures!