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Hume Highlights
Community News from The Hume Center
October, 2013
In This Email

CE Units | 10% off with the Code "PERHUME"


The Greater Good Science Center Presents: 

"Hardwiring Happiness: The New Brain Science of Lasting Inner Strength and Peace" with Rick Hanson, Ph.D.


When: November 16, 2013 

Where: International House, UC Berkeley Campus  

*Will be Webcast Live!*


This day-long GGSC seminar with neuropsychologist Rick Hanson--author of the best-selling Buddha's Brain--will offer concrete, research-based strategies for using everyday positive experiences to develop lasting inner strength and resilience.


Six CE hours available.

Standard registration: $149

Webcast registration: $125


Click here for more information.


**Use code "PERHUME" for 10% off!**
Program Spotlight:
How Well Do You Know our Partial Hospitalization Program?


To learn more about the program, please call Leslie Miao at our Concord Clinic at 925.825.1793 or...


Click here to view this program's webpage.


Click here to view this program's brochure.


Click here to read how PHP's Consumer Speakers Program is Inspiring Hope!


What is Hume Highlights?
We send this out 4 to 6 times a year and include stories about events, updates, local jobs and internships, mental health resources, news from the profession of psychology, and free workshops and networking events.
If you have an item you want included in the next Hume Highlights, please send it to


The Hume Center is a licensed non-profit Community Mental Health Center providing a comprehensive continuum of multicultural and multilingual behavioral health care services since 1993. Thank you for partnering with us to help prevent and reduce psychological suffering. More information is available on our website at


If you would like to find out more about The Hume Center or meet with one of our program heads, please email Department Manager Chris Celio, PsyD at to help set up a meeting.
An Invitation from The Hume Center
broadway-theater.jpg Laugh to Support
The Hume Center!
You are invited to join us for a night of hilarious improv by Trapped in a Rumor Improv on November 1st at the Lesher Center in Walnut Creek.
Trapped in a Rumor Improv will donate 100% of the evening's profit to The Hume Center, so we hope you'll be there to support our aim to prevent and reduce psychological suffering in our local communities.
Four members of The Hume Center--two managers and two Post-Docs--will be performing one improv game as well so come cheer them on!
Tickets are just $12 for students, children, and seniors and $15 for adults. You can buy your tickets at or by calling 925.943.7469.
To download a flier about this event, please click here.
News from The Hume Center
Consumer Speakers are Inspiring Hope at The Hume Center!
Click here to read about the result of The Hume Center inviting successful consumers of other local agencies to come tell their story to the participants of our Partial Hospitalization Program.
The Hume Center Logo Want to Work at The Hume Center?
We currently have four jobs posted and expect to post several more in the near future. Email to be notified immediately by email whenever we post a job opening.
Please click here to view the Employment page of our website to view our job postings. We have the following jobs posted currently:
~Mental Health Clinician: Doctoral Degree
~Mental Health Clinician: Masters Degree
~Staff Psychologist
~Data Entry Billing Clerk
The Profession of Psychology
Death by Suicide is Preventable: A Call to Action!
The Contra Costa County's Suicide Prevention Committee has drafted a County-wide plan aimed at reducing attempted and completed suicide. The committee calls on the community to help implement the strategic plan.
Click here to view the plan.
Help spread the word about our servicesClick here to visit our website to download our brochures!