Will You Walk to Support The Hume Center?
We are once again participating in India Community Center's Sevathon on July 14, 2013. Raise money to support The Hume Center simply by walking or running the 5K, 10K, or Half-Marathon!
Program Spotlight:
How Well Do You Know our South Asian Community Health Promotion Services Program?
Thank You to Those Who Supported the Golf Tournament!
Click here to read about the 90 golfers and corporate sponsors that supported our Training Department at the Annual Golf Tournament.
What is Hume Highlights?
We send this out 4 to 6 times a year and include stories about events, updates, local jobs and internships, mental health resources, news from the profession of psychology, and free workshops and networking events.
The Profession of Psychology
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Call for Presentations
CPA is requesting proposals for presentations about innovative and promising practices for the April, 2014 CPA Conference in Monterey.