Welcome to the monthly eNewsletter of the
International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFFGD)

Digestive Health Monthly - March 2016


Happy spring! As the snow starts to give way to green shoots and blossoms we are put in the mind of newness. Of a fresh start. Of change. Change can come in many forms. It may come as a fresh perspective or a renewed vigor. Or, more literally, mean a different treatment or lifestyle plan. Or, it could be a new resolve to advocate on behalf of all those living with a functional gastrointestinal (GI) or motility disorder. Whatever change means to you this spring, we invite you to join us in welcoming in the season.   

Advocating for Digestive Health

Earlier this month we gathered together with patients, family members and friends, health care providers, and industry representatives to bring awareness of the need for increased research into the functional GI and motility disorders to Members of Congress and their legislative staff.

Help us follow up on our message by reaching out to your Congressional House Representative and asking him or her to cosponsor The Functional Gastrointestinal and Motility Disorders Research Enhancement Act (HR 2311).  
March is National Nutrition Month

For many with a functional GI or motility disorder, such as gastroparesis, maintaining proper nutrition can be a challenge. Nutrition strategies for gastroparesis aim to prevent further delay of gastric emptying in order to reduce symptoms and ensure the best possible nutrition status. 

Dietary counseling with a doctor and/or Registered Dietician can help with the individualization of your nutrition therapy plan to maximize benefits for you. However, for some general tips to help you decide what foods to eat and what foods to avoid, click the link below. 
Assessing Risks and Benefits of New Treatments

Any medicine - prescription, over-the-counter (OTC), and even herbal - can have risks as well as benefits.
Understanding and managing risks is an important part of a long-term treatment plan. When considering a new treatment, you will want to understand and discuss risks as well as benefits with your physician.

Follow the link below for ways you can take an active role in working together with your physician to achieve the best outcome possible. 
Looking Forward to IBS Awareness Month

Every April we focus our attention on important health messages about IBS diagnosis, treatment, and quality of life issues. The more we work together to raise awareness for IBS, the greater our ability to impact positive outcomes, such as increased research, increased educational opportunities, and improved patient care, for the functional GI community.

For more information on how you can participate in this annual health observance, click the link below. 

IFFGD is a nonprofit organization. We rely on donor support to fund research and to provide reliable information and support to those affected by functional gastrointestinal and motility disorders.

IFFGD | (414) 964-1799 | iffgd@iffgd.org | www.iffgd.org | www.dha.org
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