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It's hard to believe April is almost over already. Soon May will be here, then school will be out, summer will officially begin, and the year will be half over!  BUT - before we get too ahead of ourselves, let's take the remaining moments of April to give a nod to IBS Awareness Month and a few basics about how things work. Enjoy! 

The Digestive System: how does it work?
Need a refresher on the digestive system? Here's a quick course on the basics of how this amazing food processor within our bodies actually functions. 

IBS Awareness Month 2014
There is still time to help increase awareness about IBS this April. Post something on Facebook, download the IBS mobile app, hang a poster in your neighborhood gym, or contact your Congressional Representative to discuss the importance of research. No matter what you choose, you can help raise visibility for these conditions by taking a simple action and we can help you get started.


Does exercise make your IBS better or worse? 

Some people say exercise helps their GI symptoms, while others find that it does the opposite. Share your experience on the DHA discussion board. You might help others like you deal with their symptoms. 

Get more from IFFGD & DHA
Education and awareness are cornerstones of our mission here at IFFGD. We work to arm people with knowledge so that they can participate in their own health care. With a donation of $25 or more in the US ($35 International) you can receive our print publication, Digestive Health Matters, for one year - gaining even more knowledge about functional GI and motility disorders, as well as supporting our mission to help others who are affected by these conditions. 



IFFGD, a nonprofit organization, and its grassroots arm, the Digestive Health Alliance (DHA), rely on donor support to fund research and to provide reliable information and support to those affected by functional gastrointestinal and motility disorders.


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