IFFGD and DHA Joint Logo


Welcome to 2014! We hope you are staying warm in whatever part of the world you are in, because it's cold where we are! And as we dream of warmer days and cross our fingers that the groundhog will lead us to an early spring on February 2, we are also gearing up for a busy year. We think it's going to be a good one and we look forward to spending it with you.
 - Your friends at IFFGD
Learning about Short Bowel Syndrome

Short Bowel Syndrome (SBS) is a group of issues related to poor absorption of nutrients. This occurs because a part of the small intestine is missing - typically as a result of a birth defect or the surgical removal of a large portion of the bowel - and not enough of the organ is left to absorb necessary fluid and nutrition. Learn more about this rare and challenging GI condition. 

Track your GI symptoms

The new year is a great time to start new habits. Keeping track of your GI symptoms can help you and your doctor better understand your condition to best manage your health. Use this Daily Diary to start 2014 off right. 

Research Corner
Meet Clinical Scientist, Enrico Corazziari, MD

Dr. Corazziari has helped increase understanding of various functional gastrointestinal and motility disorders around the world. From working to develop less invasive techniques for studying these conditions to researching personalized approaches for symptom management, he has made great contributions to this field. Dr. Corazziari was the recipient of the 2013 IFFGD Research Award for Senior Investigator in Clinical Science. 


Save the Date!
DHA Advocacy Day, June 23-24, 2014, Washington, DC
Mark your calendars and stay tuned for more information - we hope to see you there! 
IFFGD, a nonprofit organization, and its grassroots arm, the Digestive Health Alliance (DHA), rely on donor support to fund research and to provide reliable information and support to those affected by functional gastrointestinal and motility disorders.


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