Focusing on FODMAPs
Several members of the DHA online community have asked about low FODMAP diets to manage IBS symptoms. Has anyone tried it? Are these plans successful? If you've tried the Low FODMAP approach, we invite you to share your experience with others at If you're unfamiliar with FODMAPs, here is some information to help you learn about the drug-free management tactic.
Gulf War Illness Research Program Supports FGIDs
You can help make FGID research happen. Right now Congress has the chance to fund research into functional GI disorders through the Gulf War Illness Research Program. FGIDs are under study in the program because there is a connection between these conditions and deployment in the Gulf War Region. This research can benefit everyone - veterans, active military, and civilians. Tell Congress how important this research is to you.
Forward this to your Friends
About one in four people have a functional GI disorder. Do you know someone who could benefit from additional information about these conditions and would like to join the digestive health community? Do you know more people that would like to advocate for research of functional GI and motility disorders? Forward them a copy of this enewsletter!
IFFGD, a nonprofit organization, and its grassroots arm, the Digestive Health Alliance (DHA), rely on donor support to fund research and to provide reliable information and support to those affected by functional gastrointestinal and motility disorders.
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