IFFGD and DHA Joint Logo


Welcome to the first edition of Digestive Health Monthly, the e-newsletter of IFFGD and its grassroots arm, the Digestive Health Alliance (DHA)! 

As a member of the digestive health community, you know the importance of increased awareness, funding, and research for our cause.  In Digestive Health Monthly you will find information about functional GI and motility disorders as well as opportunities to get involved. You will also see the progress our collective efforts are making toward improving treatments and creating hope for those living with these conditions.  


We look forward to celebrating our successes together in the months to come! 

Get involved at DHA.org
At DHA.org, you will find many ways to get involved. Below are just a few:
  • Interact with others on our discussion boards 
  • Read stories from individuals living with digestive disorders and add your own
  • Participate in fundraising with a donation or a campaign of your own 

Take a peek at the site and join the community.


An 8-Step Approach to Chronic Pain Management

Pain is a common symptom in many functional gastrointestinal and motility disorders. If you have chronic pain, it is important to develop a pain management plan that works for you. Bruce Naliboff, PhD discusses this and gives good tips to managing your pain.

Congressional Call-In Day is June 5

As we prepare to go to Capitol Hill on June 19th, the Digestive Health Call-In Day is a good way to set the stage for our advocates to arrive. On June 5th, we encourage you to call or write your Representative about important digestive health initiatives.

H.R. 842 Updates

Since the FGIMD Research Enhancement Act (H.R.842) was introduced into the 113th Congress in February 2013, 8 Representatives have cosponsored the bill. They are listed below.

Susan Davis (CA-53) NEW!
Peter Welch (VT) NEW!
Bobby Rush (IL-1)
Ron Kind (WI-3)
Julia Brownley (CA-26)
Gwen Moore (WI-4)
F. James Sensenbrenner (WI-5)
James Moran (VA-8)

IFFGD, a nonprofit organization, and its grassroots arm, the Digestive Health Alliance (DHA), rely on donor support to fund research and to provide reliable information and support to those affected by functional gastrointestinal and motility disorders.


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