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                                                  November 2013
                                           WOOF!  Chandler Dogs Edition
                                           Issue 2, Volume 1


What Happens to your Dog if Something Happens to You?


By Stephen Biles


It was a normal, quiet September evening back in 2012. Doug, the overnight guy, was working his shift at Gilbert Dogs. He got a telephone call around 11 p.m.; a little late for a phone call, but not totally unusual. He answered the phone; it was the emergency room at Chandler Regional Hospital. Read on Link
Dog of the Month - Charlie & Jax

I remember it like it was yesterday , picking Jax up from the pound just 24hr before he was scheduled to walk across the great rainbow bridge. Erica was persistent in getting to the shelter that day, we were only there for 10 mins before we saw this tiny little sharpei mix, shivering in the corner kennel. Read On Link

Staff Spotlight - Joseph Kruse

Hello, my name is Joseph Kruse.

 November marks my 2 year anniversary with Chandler Dogs 24/7. Yep that's right I've been here since the beginning. Before this, I was an old school mechanic,  mainly motorcycles. Growing up in my house was always a zoo. Read on Link

Chandler Dogs 24/7 | 480-940-1955 | |
6125 W. Chandler Blvd, Suite 1
Chandler, AZ 85226

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