Southwest Johnson  
County EDC Newsletter

November 2012
Updates and Activity
Southwest Johnson County Area Plan

This plan will provide a coordinated guide for zoning and infrastructure decisions for each jurisdiction.  KDOT has done a lot of transportation planning but this is exciting because we are including land use and this should make the future clearer for all, including developers.  This is a partnership between the Cities of Edgerton and Gardner, Johnson County, the Kansas Department of Transportation and Mid-America Regional Council (MARC).  A public meeting was held November 1st at the Edgerton City Hall.  The process is being coordinated by Felsburg Holt & Ullevig, a consulting firm from Omaha.  Click here for the full article.
Kansas City Industrial Trends Report
The industrial sector of the Kansas City real estate market had a good second quarter.  John Stafford of Colliers International sent a report on the Kansas City industrial market that you might find interesting.   Click here for the full report.
Intermodal Progress
BNSF Intermodal
Things are moving along at the intermodal.  Track is being laid, roads and the interchange at Homestead are taking shape and the sewer plant is well under construction.  The cranes have been moved to the site and assembly could begin soon.  They had been stored at the New Century AirCenter.  The opening is less than one year away. 

The interest in the Intermodal has not slowed.  Presentations have been made to the Johnson County Chamber President's Council, KCPL Staff, and the Baldwin City Chamber Board. I have given a tour for Kansas Department of Commerce representatives, four real estate brokers and potential members. A group of NAIOP (National Association of Industrial and Office Professionals) members from throughout the US visited Kansas City and toured the intermodal site; hosted by the BNSF.  In addition, I attended an Inland Ports Conference in Chicago with KC SmartPort and participated in a consultant visit to Chicago with the Kansas Department of Commerce. 

The site is changing almost daily.  We will send updates as we receive them.
Meetings & Events
EDC Strategic Planning Meeting
The EDC Strategic Planning meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 14th from 8:00-10:30 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the City of Gardner.
KCADC Annual Meeting
KCADC held their Annual meeting on Friday, November 2nd at the Grand Ballroom of the Kansas City Convention Center. The keynote presenter was the award-winning writer Charles Duhigg.  Charles is the author of The Power of Habit...Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business.
EDC Quarterly Membership Meeting
The Quarterly Membership meeting was held on Tuesday, October 30th at the New Century Fieldhouse with a networking format.  About 60 people attended and Jason Nokes,  TradeNet Publishing, Inc., won the drawing for a Kindle Fire HD.  Thank you to our Sponsors, New Century AirCenter and  Rose Design Build, Inc. 
MPH meetings (Membership, Prospects and Happenings)
The purpose of the small group meetings in September were to bring people together to update them on the activity in Southwest Johnson County and discuss how the Southwest Johnson County EDC could provide value to them.  The noon session had 14 participants.  There was a good discussion and information that can be used for future planning.  Several of the non-members have since joined or are considering membership with the EDC. 
Membership News
EDC Chairman of the Board Resigns 
Joel Riggs, Chairman of the Board for the Southwest Johnson County EDC, has taken a new job with Super Market Developers, Inc. as Director of Real Estate Development.  With the change in schedule and location of his office he has let us know that he is resigning from the Board.  While we are happy for his new opportunity we regret losing his enthusiasm and leadership.
New Deputy Director at Johnson County Airport Commission  
Colin McKee is the new Deputy Director for the Johnson County Airport Commission, succeeding Bob Perry, who has recently retired.  Colin was the Executive Director of the Midwest National Air Center in Clay County, Missouri and previously was Assistant Airport Manager in Lee's Summit.  Colin also served internships with the Kansas City Aviation Department, the Federal Aviation Administration, and has a background in secondary education and coaching.
Greater Kansas City Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ)
Tom Riederer has been elected to the Board of Directors of the Greater Kansas City Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ).  The intent of the FTZ program is to stimulate economic growth in the Kansas City Area.  It was designed to promote American competitiveness by encouraging companies to maintain and expand their companies in the U.S.
2012 Community Leadership Award
Jennifer Miller, Professional Service Industries, Inc. (PSI), was recognized by BHC Rhodes for her effort and dedication to victims of human trafficking in South Africa and Thailand, as well as her effort to build awareness about human trafficking in the Kansas City area.
Gardner-Edgerton School District
The Gardner-Edgerton School District had a great story on the school district in the October 3rd issue of the Kansas City Star.  Click here for full article.
Welcome to our Two Newest EDC Members  
ARCO National Construction Company was founded in 1992 in St. Louis, Missouri and has continued to grow by specializing in providing clients with a complete design/build package.  The ARCO family currently consists of seven construction companies with offices in St. Louis, Kansas City, Atlanta, Tampa, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Cincinnati.

Sam Stahnke is the ARCO National Construction-KC, Inc. Manager and can be located at 7300 College Blvd., Suite 308, Overland Park, Kansas, 66210.  Sam can be reached at (816) 877-0529 or
The City of Olathe is the second largest among the 21 communities in prosperous Johnson County, and the fifth largest city in the state.  It is located just 20 miles southwest of downtown Kansas City, with all of the cultural advantages of a major metropolitan area.


Michael Wilkes is the City Manager and can be located at 100 E. Santa Fe, Olathe, Kansas, 66061.  Michael can be reached at (913) 971-8700 or    



If you know of a business that has an interest in the growth of Southwest Johnson County, let us know and we will contact them about becoming part of the EDC.

I would also like to thank you for your support of development in southwest Johnson County and the EDC.

tom signature
Tom Riederer, CEcD
Southwest Johnson County EDC
P.O. Box 456
Gardner, KS 66030
(913) 715-6000
(913) 715-6008 fax
(913) 220-3105 cell


In This Issue
SW JoCo Area Plan
Feature Headline
Member Spotlight:

Southwest Johnson County EDC is honored to have Rose Design Build, Inc. as an investor.  Located at 863 N. Martway Drive, Olathe, Kansas 66061. 

Rose Design Build, Inc. offers full architectural and construction services to businesses and entrepreneurs, all within the framework of one company.

Rose Design Build, Inc.
is currently celebrating its 88th year of doing business in the Greater Kansas City area. 
Did You Know?
Rose Design Build, Inc.
is a 3rd generation ownership since 1924.

to learn more about Rose Design Build, Inc.

CERI Economic Indicator: 
(County Economic Research Institute)