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Over the past few months, we've noticed that more and more scholars, educators, advocates, and public leaders are talking about segregation. Now, more than ever, we hope you'll share information with us about integration efforts happening in your community. We also encourage you to connect with NCSD member organizations located near you.
Administrators Speak Out About Resegregation
Image reprinted with permission from the December 2013 issue of School Administrator magazine, published by The School Superintendents Association (AASA).
To order print copies of AASA's magazine, click here.
To write an email to the editor, click here.

Check out December's issue of The School Superintendents Association (AASA) magazine, The Resegregation of Public Schools: Superintendents' frontline battles for equity, diversity and community, featuring:
        • The Resegregation of America's Public Schools by Sheldon Berman
        • New Faces in Suburban Spaces by Erica Frankenberg and Jennifer Ayscue
        • Leading a Suburban District to Integrate by Melissa Krull 
        • If the Playing Field Is Tilted, Why Level It? by Del Burns 
        • Resegregation in the Heartland by John Mackiel 
        • Misteaching History on Racial Segregation by Richard Rothstein 
        • Culturally Competent Leadership by Caprice Hollins
Furman Center Launches "The Dream Revisited" Blog

NYU's Furman Center just launched "The Dream Revisited," a blog that will facilitate a "slow debate" on economic and racial segregation in neighborhoods and schools. The opening discussion, "Why Integration?" includes articles by the following scholars:

  • The Problem of Integration by Mary Pattillo 
  • Focus on the Costs of Segregation for All by Sherrilyn Ifill 
  • Making Our Assumptions About Integration Explicit by Pat Sharkey
  • In Search of Integration: Beyond Black & White by Rucker Johnson
A few more examples...
  • In a recent commentary piece in Teachers College Record, Robert Lubetsky and William Stroud list school desegregation as one of five critical educational issues that warrant more attention on NYC's reform agenda. Attending to these five critical issues, they argue, "could transform our city and its schools." In addition to recognizing desegregation as a top priority, Lubetsky and Stroud urge educators and policymakers to: 1) professionalize teaching; 2) involve communities; 3) support educational innovation; and 4) link schools to the struggle to create a more just and ethical society.  
  • Uncommon ground: J. Anthony Lukas realized something larger than the truth by LynNell Hancock in the Columbia Journalism Review
  • For Public Schools, Segregation Then, Segregation Since: Education and the Unfinished March by Richard Rothstein
  • Law student Jennifer R. Rust recently published a comment urging DOE to "entertain a more inclusive definition of diversity across the board in education programs like [Race to the Top and the Charter Schools Program]." She notes that segregation "is not a problem with a single solution. Its historical grounding and complexities require devotion that permeates all levels of government and society." See Investing in Integration: A Case for "Promoting Diversity" in Federal Education Funding Priorities, 59 Loy. L. Rev. 623, 671 (2013). Note: you can currently access this article through Westlaw, and it will eventually be posted at
Magnet Schools of America National Conference


Magnet Schools of America will hold their 2014 National Conference on Magnet Schools from May 15-18th in Hartford, Connecticut. This year, some sessions will take place on-site at magnets schools across the state. The conference will offer workshops and sessions on:
  • Innovation: New Ideas, Old Challenges (Magnet School Design)
  • Fostering 21st Century Skills in the Classroom (Curriculum & Instruction)
  • Getting the Right People on the Bus & Keeping Them (Staffing)
  • Leadership for New Schools (Leadership) 
  • Creating Magnet Schools That Work for Your Community (Community Relations)
  • Success Over the Long Haul (Sustainability)
  • Parent Involvement & Engagement (Advocacy, Engagement Strategies, Models for Parent Leadership)
One Day Parent Workshop
MSA's conference will include a day of workshops for parents on May 17th, 2014 (the 60th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education). Information about rates and registration is here.
NCSD Welcomes Empire Justice Center


The Empire Justice Center (with offices in Albany, Rochester, White Plains, and Long Island, New York) recently became a member of the National Coalition on School Diversity.
Update from Magnet Schools of America
On January 17th, President Obama signed the FY 2014 Consolidated Appropriations Act to fund the federal government for the remainder of the current fiscal year. The Act removed cuts to many federal education programs made through last year's sequestration. Unfortunately, the Magnet Schools Assistance Program (MSAP) was not selected for relief. Express your support for MSAP in future appropriations.


January 2014

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Why Integration?

 "As a society, however, we value integration not just for the impact it will have on the achievement of students of color, but for its impact on the way all students think about and understand themselves and the society they live in."

"Building a movement and supporting schools as they desegregate will not be easy and will require patience, the setting of school specific goals, and the development of neighborhood targets.
It will also require a comprehensive support system that brings together all the city agencies
in creative ways
to aid this effort." 


About NCSD
The National Coalition on School Diversity is a network of national civil rights organizations, university-based research institutes, local educational advocacy groups, and academic researchers seeking a greater commitment to racial and socioeconomic diversity in federal K-12 education policy and funding. We also support the work of state and local school diversity practitioners.
NCSD Emails
To sign up to receive NCSD updates, please email us. If you no longer want to receive NCSD updates, you can unsubscribe by clicking the link at the top of this email.
NCSD's Integration Research Network helps increase communication between education researchers, policymakers, and advocates. If you are an educational researcher and are interested in learning more about this developing community of researchers, please email us or visit our website
 NCSD Member Organizations 
  • NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund
  • Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund
  • American Civil Liberties Union
  • Poverty & Race Research Action Council
  • Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law
  • Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund
  • Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice at Harvard Law School
  • Civil Rights Project/Proyecto Derechos Civiles at UCLA
  • Teaching Tolerance
  • Campaign for Educational Equity at Teachers College
  • University of North Carolina Center for Civil Rights
  • Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity at the Ohio State University
  • Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society at UC Berkeley
  • Education Law Center
  • Magnet Schools of America
  • Chief Justice Earl Warren Institute on Race, Ethnicity and Diversity at UC Berkeley School of Law
  • Institute on Metropolitan Opportunity at the University of Minnesota Law School
  • New York Appleseed
  • Sheff Movement coalition
  • One Nation Indivisible
  • Voluntary Interdistrict Choice Corporation
  • ERASE Racism
  • Chicago Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law
  • Empire Justice Center

Organizational membership in the NCSD is free and open to national, regional, and local organizations that are working to support racial and economic integration in public schools. Member groups will be listed on the NCSD website, and will be asked to help publicize NCSD publications and events, and to support NCSD advocacy efforts, as appropriate, at the U.S. Department of Education, in state governments, and in Congress. NCSD policy decisions are made by an established steering committee of national civil rights organizations and several academic advisers.


To inquire about becoming an NCSD member organization, email us


National Coalition on School

c/o Poverty and Race Research Action Council (PRRAC)


Email: [email protected] 

Phone: 202-544-5066 

Mailing Address: 1200 18th St. NW #200 Washington, DC 20036