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September 2013

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Upcoming workshops
Excel 101 9/23 7pm
LinkedIn 9/24 10am
ConstantContact 9/25 1pm
IPad/IPhone101 9/26 10am
FB 101 10/8/ 10am
FB Pages 10/9 1pm
Looking for another workshop? Contact us. We will get it on the calendar for you.
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Bring in those updates. They can protect you from viruses and keep your software working properly. The most common virus we see is the Java virus. This comes in when people have failed to bring in the updates for Java. Java is constantly updating it's software. It also tries to send in unnecessary programs (like Ask.com or McAfee Security Scan) with it's updates. Bring in the updates when prompted. Uncheck the little boxes that ask you to bring in additional software.
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They say there are 2 kinds of people in the world
Those who back up their data
Those who have not lost all of their files yet

Here's what you need to know about backing up your data

  • Do it! You have the best intentions. You have gone out and bought that the external hard drive.  You might actually have it plugged into your computer. When is the last time you actually ran a back up?
  • You have a program that automatically backs up your data to your external hard drive. Try retrieving an important document that you recently created or changed. Make sure your backups are pointed to your important files. Many programs like Outlook, Quicken, QuickBooks, tax and database software store your critical data in places other than your Document folder.  Make sure your backup is picking up this data.
  • Is the external hard drive  plugged into your computer right now? When you get that power surge or catastrophic failure that's going to destroy your hard drive, it's very likely it's going to take your external hard drive and anything else that is plugged into the computer crashing down with it.

What do we recommend?

Mozy Online Backup

  • Your data is backed up automatically whenever it changes.
  • Your back up is stored in a different location than your computer, home or office.
  •  It's easy to install. It is very easy to recover your data, whether it's one file or a entire computer's worth of files.
  • It's less expensive and more reliable than an external hard drive.

Contact us

We will help you figure out the best back up solution for you!

630 942 8622



 Cool people we know

We get to do business with the coolest people...

Do these guys look familiar?  

 Ami & Danny Sronkoski
As many of you know, Ami and Danny own Tap House here in Glen Ellyn. It's not just another family restaurant with great food and a great bar. You can't go to a community event without running into one of these guys volunteering or contributing in some way. Whether it's our sports teams,  the Taste of Glen Ellyn, Jazz in Glen Ellyn, Bridge Communities Backyard Barbecue, or the upcoming Cancerpalooza you can count on Tap House showing up and pitching in.   We love you Ami and Danny!


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